The past is the past we all have regrets and bad memories

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No one's pov

A great white shark mer sighs, looking at the stars above him with sadness. He sits at the bottom of the small cliff with the giant tree growing on it. He knows that the majority of the Automers still don't trust him. Optimus clearly has trust in him yet he is still being cautious, He can't blame him though. He had killed so many mers and humans ... he had murdered innocents just for what?

Megatron looks into the multicoloured sky above him. Reds, blues, purples and every other colour you can imagine sewn into the black sky, glowing white stars accompanying the crescent moon. Earth's sky is nothing like this although it's simplicity and beauty is stunning in it's own right. He looks at the moon, wondering how humankind had changed so drastically in the past few centuries. Not only have they evolved, becoming so much smarter than their ancestors and defying all odds against them by using science as their weapon, lighting up the night and so much more but their ideas and views have as well. He can still recall when women were treated so terribly and they didn't care for Earth. Most still don't yet so many more are better.

They deserve a second chance, he thought, if only I realised that sooner.

Suddenly a purple glow in the water before him catches his attention, "Hello Soundwave." he says watching as his most loyal and oldest friend emerges from the water.

Soundwave is based off a searagon yet he has a special ability to glow in the dark, only if he so wishes however.

The silent mute stares at his once leder with a small smile, knowing what he is thinking. He pats his old friend on the back reassuringly and stares out into the waters their kind call home.

"What are we going to do about those humans?" Megatron states seriously referring to you and your family. It is no secret that 5 new humans have arrived and living with the boy. He had met with Rodimus and his pod only two hours ago. Even though he had left he swore to visit occasionally. He couldn't believe it when he was told at Swerve's bar that they were planning to make two humans femmes, one a pup, members of the pod!

He learned all he could about the two humans, a young human named y/n with h/l h/c hair and a curiosity greater than Brainstorms along with a kindness unmatched by any human they had ever met. The pup, one with long black hair and according to Tailgate one of  'the cutest humans in all existence!'. He had spoken with Ultra Magnus and he confirmed they were no threat however he isn't certain about the others.

Megatron can't help but fear for their lives. Humans are perfect hostages, small, weak and easy to contain. No doubt many rouge mers will go after them, some maybe to kill. They are all in great danger.

The minimer twins that are Soundwaves sons had been 'spying' on the others. They gave no useful information other than their appearances.

The darkly coloured mer stays silent, staring at his tail in deep thought.

"We protect them." he says in a quiet whisper still getting familiar with using his voice.

Megatron sighs and nods his helm, "Can you send Laserbeak with a message to Optimus' pod?" he asks knowing it can't be put off any longer.

Soundwave nods placing one of his clawed servos onto the ex gladiators shoulder.

Megatron thanks him him and continues staring up at the Neverland sky. He in all honesty wants to meet the two femme humans. He remembers the three humans that the automers protected during the war, all three were a part of their pod. They all had their strengths and helped defeat him. He wonders what that bond is like? Is it like a pup to a pod member or a friendship. This may be a great oppurtunity to help a bond form with his pod. It has come to his attention that his pod ... isn't really a pod. They aren't family.

"My pups are curious." Soundwave sighs, fearing for their safety, "They won't stay hidden."

"Maybe that is for the best." 

Your pov

I can't sleep. I've tried but I can't. Lilly lays curled u next to me, her fluffy blacket wrapped tightly around her along with a few petals. I stare out the small window, sitting up and gazing at the magnificent sky.

"Like a galaxy." I whisper. the sky here is so different at night from home.

Auntie ...

I miss her already. I ... I don't know what to do. She was one of the only people that truly understand me, that understand what goes on in my head.

I may be the only one other than Ben who knew my parents but ... I wish with all my heart that wasn't the case. I was only 5 but everything is as clear as day to what happened. My first memory is from my fourth birthday. I ca clearly remember it, a small cupcake with a number 4 candle on it. My dad was sitting next to me and my mom at least who I think was my mom ... was chatting with a whole lot of women, smoking and drinking.

After that every memory is hell. Beatings, shouting, the smell of chemicals and alcohol is all I remember.

And the crash. My dad was yelling at her about some kind of business stuff I can't remember the specifics. He was driving and she was sitting in the front beside him while I was in the back. I remember her yelling and screaming at him and he shouted back and then ... I was in the hospital.

I pull down the one side of my tiger pajamas showing the skin on my right shoulder. There I gently trace the small circular burn mark. A cigarette burn mark. It has left a nasty scar just like a few other injuries I got back then surprisingly none from the crash. None are all too serious just noticeable. There are two scars on my back in the middle of it, a small one about the size of a pin on my elbow, this one on my shoulder and five scars on my stomach that are all the size of an unsharpened pencil.

I lift my shirt up a bit tracing the ones on my stomach. I don't really care about my past anymore, it's the past it happened and now it's over. But I can't get rid of these scars. I hate showing too much skin and not just because of them, I just don't feel comfortable for people to see to much of my body.

I may have flaws but I am happy with who I am.

With a sigh I put my shirt back on properly and snuggle back into the soft petals that haven't begun wilting yet. Neverland is my new home and I am going to love it hear.

No I already love it here.

Just as I fall asleep one thought goes through my mind.

I can't wait till tomorrow.

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