Your her what?!!!!

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No one's pov

You chuckle painfully, laying on the floor with a smallish bundle of energy and pure joy smiling down at you, sitting on your stomach in her pink pyjama pants and T-shirt that has a unicorn head on it with lots of rainbows.

"H-hi Lilly." you choke, seeing birds. One thing to know about Lilly: always be prepared for pranks, adorableness and being jumped on. You'd think that living with it everyday would make you immune but, that's not the case.

"Hi Y/n!" she greets with a huge grin the excitement practically seeping out her.

Ben chuckles at your small predicament and picks up all of your scattered belongings, "So I'm guessing you want to start watching movies now?" It's more of a statement than a question.

His energetic little sister shakes her head and ... pouts. Causing you both to have a heart attack because of her cuteness. She stares at you dead in the eye with her adorable sparkling greyish blue eyes and silky black hair tied messily in two long pony tails on each side of her head with fluffy white hair bands.

"Popcorn." She mumbles and crosses her arms in front of her.

"Oh" you both say, realisation hitting you both dead in the face and mentally face palming yourselves. Of course. Popcorn of all the things you forgot it had to be the movie snack.

"Okay I'll go make some but in the mean time you guys can put on a movie. Zioni and Harry will be here in about an hour or two." Ben says, placing everything you and himself were carrying in a corner then walking out the room.

"PETER PAN!" Lilly cheers, jumping on your stomach.

In response you grunt and jump up, tackling the little girl to the floor with a squeak.

"Lilly 4 Y/n 6." you smirk playfully, beginning your tickle attack.

????????? pov

I sigh, kicking a shell on the sandy shores of Neverland. It's been so long since I've had any fun with someone other than the red Indians, Tink and Hook. I'm bored out of my mind! ... And a little lonley. Don't get me wrong I love annoying codfish out of his mind but it's more fun with someone else. I lift my legs off the sandy beach, hovering in mid air with them crossed and right elbow rested against my knee.

I went back to Wendy's house a year ago but ... she was gone. Dead. It's really been that long! And now her granddaughter who's an old lady lives there with 5 kids.

I've been watching them and one of them tells stories- just like Wendy! There are two that are my 'age' but still a little younger and the smallest is 6. She is so cute and fun! Two days ago while they were all sleeping I sneaked into their room and she saw me! She even knew my name! And when she smiled I thought I was going to die of cuteness. I left through the window before anymore of them woke up but not before waving goodbye.

Right then and there I decided I was going to bring them back to Neverland! Their all really fun from what I've seen and I remember one of them with h/c hair is as curious as a ... something very curious. Not to mention she loves mystery, adventure and magic. They'll love it here! But there's a problem

Three of them are girls!

What do we call ourselves the lost kids? ... Actually that may work.

"What ya doing Peter?" a small weight lands on my shoulder.

"Thinking." I respond to my good friend Tinkerbell.

She sighs and flies in front of my face, "You know you should go there tonight, ask them if they want to come to Neverland." she says seriously.

"I cant Tink!" I sigh, "What if they go back like Wendy! What if they leave me alone! Or Wendy's granddaughter doesn't let them leave. ... What if they don't want to come?"

"You never know till you try." she giggles flying up into the sky.

She's right! Flying up into the clouds I smile happily. Lost kids here I come!

No one's pov

"I see you guys started the movie without us? I'm so hurt." Zioni states dramatically, snatching a handful of popcorn and plopping down next to you. She had just come home from an afternoon with her 2 friends and things didn't go exactly as planned. They made her try on a whole lot of clothes that were so girly and showed too much skin. She doesn't mind showing off her legs and a little bit of her stomach but these were on another level. Too make matters worse they took pictures and posted them online saying 'goth gone slut' and many more things that should not ever be said. She was horrified to say the least and got into a physical fight with them.

She never thought they of all people would betray her like that and thankfully wouldn't have to see them till next year. Harry saw it all. He never liked them and decided to keep an eye on them in case something happened. He made the right decision. Zioni did cry a little but is now over it. They weren't worth crying over.

Harry sits down gently next to Ben who has Lilly on his lap, "Hi Benny."

"Evenin' teddy bear~" he gently kisses him on the cheek.

While Harry turns into a tomato Lilly gets up off of Ben and comes to sit on your lap, "No lovey dovey stuff when we're watching a movie." she grumbles, earning amused laughter and a cheeky grin from her brother.

You all continue watching the Movie for about a half a hour until Mrs Merry comes into the room, a small treasure chest hold tightly by her old wrinkly hands.

She sits down on the bed to the right of the large window, Lilly's one, and waits till you all are finished watching. She can't help but smile at the movie. It was a little similar to the story of her grandmother yet so different. For one thing there were more lost boys and they never stayed in Neverland.

"Are you alright auntie?" Lilly asks curiously.

Your pov

Auntie shakes her head no with one of her signature sweet smiles, signalling for all of us to come and sit by her.

"Not at all on the contrary I have something I need to tell you." why does she sound so sad?

We all come around her, Ben and Harry sitting on ether side of her, Zioni on the bed opposite to her and Lilly sitting on my lap in front of her.

She now has a sad smile present, her shaking hands holding onto the old box tightly. Okay now I'm really worried!

"I am an old soul." she begins, "I have lived a good life but I won't last forever."

"Don't say that." Ben says seriously holding onto her shoulder.

"But it is the truth." she sighs, "I do not have much longer to live and then you will all be separated."

We all stay silent, what is she saying?

"I am afraid I have heart cancer."

"NO!" Lilly cry's from my lap, turning around and suddenly hugging me tightly. Tears pour out of her eyes onto my shirt.

Nonononononononono this cant be happening. Not her she doesn't deserve this no! I feel the tears pour down my cheeks.

"How long?" Ben asks emotionless. I can hear Zioni and Harry crying.

"And I know that you all are feeling ... that you don't belong here."

"Don't change the subject!"

"But it's the truth."

We all stay silent, tears still running.

"And I have something to tell you all." she says, opening the chest and pulling out a black and white picture of a young girl and boy, maybe 17.

"I am the granddaughter of Wendy Darling."


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