Pranks ... Zioni run

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No one's pov

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"  Harry asks nervously, looking at two silently sleeping girls. The smallest of the two with messy black hair lays curled up in a small ball while being cuddled by a h/c haired girl. Both smile in their sleep laying atop a pile of giant fluffy pink petals that are about a meter long. They had both picked from one of the few giant flowers hiding in the shadows of the trees branches outside the small almost invisible window. 

Last night you all chose your rooms from the many that litter the tree. You had asked if you could have one near the top of the tree with lots of storage area for the many things you would be collecting from your adventures. You were given a medium ish room that had shelves carved into the walls that is about 10 meters off the floor. A barren one. It has a small window made of glass that must have been stolen from hooks ship. Now that you think about his ship was missing a few windows that were boarded up by wooden planks. 

Peter said the room was used by one of the last lost boys as a getaway space from the others, none of them dared go near him when he was in a bad mood and trust me. You don't want to know why.

Peter has a room at the very center of the tree with a window that he can fly through. Zioni took a room right opposite to yours that has a perfect view of neverland and it's forests. Ben and Harry share a room a few meters above yours so they both have some personal space.

Lilly took one that is right below yours with a tiny tinny round window that looks across the ocean just like yours. Just before you were going to sleep you spotted a giant pink flower, one that reminded you of a cherry blossom. You had picked a few petals from it and piled them on top of each other as a makeshift bed. You would of course be trying to find a way to make a better bed. Curiosity has its advantages.

However in the middle of the night you heard soft sobbing coming from Lilly's room. Immediately your motherly instincts kicked in. You gathered your petals and climbed down the ladder and placed them all in her room as a bed. And there she lay, crying in her sleep. You instantly set her on the small bed, whispering soft reassuring words to her as you held her closely. Not many people know this about you but you can be very motherly at the right times. Even as a 13 year old you were able take on this aura, a wisdom that wasn't meant for someone so young as well as a kindness so much like a mothers.

You helped raise Lilly along with the others. She hates being alone and you had a small feeling this would happen. As she went to sleep you thought of a few ways you could help her. She would become acustomed to your new life but for the meantime your going to be sleeping with the little darling. Not that you mind you love cuddling!

Now as soon as everyone woke up they came to look for you two. Which leads us to this current predicament.

Zioni smirked evilly as she holds a small wooden cup over your heads, filled to the brim with cold flipping water.

"No but I want to have some fun."

"Your evil." Peter laughs, "I feel like I just met my long lost sister!"

"Zioni this is a really bad idea." Ben cautions knowing fully well what will happen.

She ignores him, smirking like a crazy woman. Oh she knows perfectly well your going to give her hell but she needs excitement and more importantly she needs to prank someone. Yesterday you got all the fun so she made a deal with her partner in crime known as Peter Pan. He and she are going to prank the living daylight

Then again Ben would probably insist they go and hunt or gather any edible plants and what not for storage and bla bla bla. Zioni really just wanted to have some fun, She's dying!

"Zioni no."Ben scolds, coming closer to try and take away the tilting cup.

Zioni chuckles mischievously, "Zioni yes~" she coos, tipping the full glass onto the two sleeping forms.

You wake up with a small scream, Lilly screaming so loud you'd think glass could shatter. Then you looked at Zioni.


-time skip brought to you by y/n chasing Zioni around the tree and throwing a shoe that hit her dead center in the face and Ben laughing his ass off with Lilly and Peter while Harry giggles silently at your fuming form-

It had been decided that Zioni, Peter, Ben and Harry would go out into the jungles of Neverland to hunt and forage. they wouldn't be back till sundown and that left little Lilly and yourself to do as you please for the whole day.

Peter was kind enough to give you a book on all the fauna on the island that one of the lost boys had made.

And you are going to have a little fun of your own.

The giant tree sits atop a valley close to the edge of the island with a large river running right beside it that flows from the sea. Not even half a kilometer away lays a beautiful beach that you couldn't wait to scavenge for your treasures. As in beautiful shells and small pieces of coral. Lilly couldn't wait to make a shell necklace.

But you noticed something after the four adventurers left. The huge blue leaves of the tree you slept in, they float. You got curiouser as you saw a deer hop on one of them and it didn't sink.

That immediately sparked an idea.

"So  how do you like them little Lilly pad." you ask, admiring your handy work. You had taken four of the leaves and turned them into two pairs of shoes that look exactly like the Peter Pan's in the movies except blue and with larger veins.

You had found on one of the pages that most of the plants on Neverland never wilt, the magical kind not the ordinary trees and plants that litter most of the island. It stated that the leaves of the tree were no different as well as the lost boys not bothering to learn the amazing properties that the enchanting tree poses. 

Using some vines you found growing around some of the leaves outside of Zioni's window that are also blue you whipped up these two pairs of shoes. You cant help but beam with pride at your handy work.

"They're really cool y/n!" Lilly cheers, running around the beach in her light blue dress and the shoes you made for her. Her hair is tied up in a single high ponytail.

You wear the shoes along with a pain of denim pants and a black short sleeved shirt that has a ying yang sign on the front. 

You smile, running after her towards the sea's waves gently crashing against the burnt yellow sand.

"You think this will work?" she asks.

You nod and give her a hopeful smile, "You never know but I think it will work."

With a deep breath you step into the water, not sinking. You take another step, one more, two more. Your not sinking! You are literally treading water!

Lilly stares awe struck before running at full speed to you, wobbling a few times at the moving water.

You catch her as she nearly falls into the salt water, laughing happily until the little angel gets an idea. Without warning she pushes you over, you falling under the water with a surprised squeal.

Lilly giggles happily before a hand, your hand pulls her under.

"Karma!" you cheer in victory earning a splash in the face from a  grinning Lilly.

While you two break into an all out splash war you catch the attention of a passing creature.

More specifically a passing beluga merformer.


ohh who could it be?

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