Pack your bags

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Your pov

What? how? 

"Holy mother of mac 'n cheese." i whisper earning an amused smile from auntie and a giggling Lilly on my lap.

"Ha ha very funny auntie." Ben says clearly thinking it's one of her jokes, "Yeah um how much medication are you on ag-OW!" she hits him on the back of the head. That's our auntie!

But still how is this even possible! And why wouldn't she tell us until now? Wait this house is a family air loom.

"Wait does that mean this is the Darlings house?" I ask eye's probably the size of a saucer.

"Indeed and this very room was where Wendy told her stories and Peter Pan came to take them to Neverland." she smiles handing the picture to Harry.

Zioni quickly comes closer, sitting next to Harry and inspecting the photo from his hands, "Why are you telling us this now?"

No one's pov

Mrs Marry sighs taking a single acorn with a hole in it's centre. She had wondered the same thing many times. Why not sooner, tell you all of the amazing stories of her grandmother's adventures ... and yet she didn't. There was something inside of her that told her to wait, to not tell them until she felt something. And just a few nights ago she did. She felt a tingly feeling in her heart as if something or someone that she didn't even realise was back. In her home.

"The time wasn't right." she sighs stroking the the acorn with a small smile.

"I saw Peter Pan a few nights ago!" Lilly states proudly. You all stare at her, seeing her proud smile and straight back instantly knowing what she says is the truth. Mrs Marry had a feeling she did but still felt surprised.

"He waved goodbye to me." she continues happy with everyone's shock.

"So it has come that time." All eyes go to Mrs Marry once again, confusion pressent on all your faces.

"Auntie what are you talking about?" Ben asks nervously, feeling strangely scared at her sudden sad yet happy voice.

"I will tell you all soon." She states in that same voice, standing up and taking back the old photo with a gentle tug, "But for now I need you all to back your most beloved possessions."

"Are we going somewhere?" Lilly asks with a tilt of her her.

"Yes my dear you are and I need you all to pack at least a backpack or two but not too much that you cant carry it."

Before any of you can complain, ask questions or voice your concerns and curiosity she leaves the room without a sound, leaving five confused 'children' behind.

Zioni is the first to get up. Not making a peep she goes to her bed, reaching underneath it for her school tog bag. It is secondhand with the school emblem of a barn owl's head on it with faded velvet red and sky blue. She begun by going to her wardrobe, picking out a few pairs of shirts, shorts and pants.

Finally after about ten minutes of silence Ben gets up, Harry following and both go towards their beds but not before Ben squats down to Lilly's and your eye level, "Want me te help ya pack pumpkin cakes?" Lilly thinks it over for a second then shakes her head with a happy grin, "Y/n can help me brobro."

You can't help but giggle at their nicknames for each other but earning a pout glare form the six year old and an cheeky grin from the red and black haired jock, "You fine with that short cake~"

You gasp in fake hurt, doing an over dramatic paint from your sitting position on the floor, "The irony, the betrayal!" you mock with a laugh, Lilly now giggling and Ben smirking.

"Well I'll leave ya both to it then." he says, walking away with his hands in his pockets "Oh and leave behind the stuffed shark please." he states with a dismissive wave, not turning to face the both of you.

"WE ARE NOT LEAVING SHARKO BEHIND!" you both yell in sinc, defending the great white plushie with a stitched scar across his snout. You two adore the plushie and would never leave behind the softie. And of course Ben knew that and only did it for the fun of it.

Getting up you place Lilly on her bed, deciding it would be best to pack her belongings first. You take out a faded pink backpack out with the energetic pony herself on it. Pinkiepie stares up at you with a huge happy smile and twinkling eyes.

You begin with her clothes, packing the few dresses that still fit her along with her two pairs of shorts, five pairs of pants and six shirts three of which are long sleeved. Next you pack her blue tekkies [that's what their called here in South Africa but I think they're also called sneakers? I'm just going to call them tekkies.], a pair of green shoes and two pairs of flip flops.

The backpack was full to the top with her clothes now although you had no idea how you fitted all of that into it. Next you took a small tog bad similar to Zioni's except brand new. In it you placed her three jerseys and single beanie and gloves along with her two knitted scarves. In the same bag you put Sharko, three of her favourite books, her one Barbie doll with a mermaid tail and a few other toys. Next you put in a hairbrush, a small bow of hair ties and some of her toy jewellery. There's a little bit of space left so you put in her jacket, rain boots, slippers and fluffy purple blanket.

You put on Beauty and the beast for her to watch while the rest of you pack your remaining belongings. You pack most of your clothes except an old pair of worn slippers that had holes in them. However you had barely any clothes. Only a two shirts, a rain jacket, two hoodies,some socks, three pairs of shorts,  1 pair of pants, a scarf and three pairs of shoes. One flip flops, one rain boots and the other a pair of black and white tekkies. You added your scarf and gloves for safe measures. By the time they were all in your school tog bag there was still some space left.

You put in your fluffy f/c blanket and five blank paged notebooks. You had been planning to write a diary a few years back but had decided against it. You close the tog bag with a huff, wondering why you never asked for more clothes. Next you get out your camo backpack. You put in a pencil case with all your stationary and some of your books.

The Harry Potter series of course along with a single huge book with all the books of the Chronicles Of Narnia and His dark materials book. You almost forgot a few others such as The White giraffe along with it's other three siblings and The Edge of Extinction. You aren't a mega bookworm like Zioni but you do enjoy reading and so does Lilly. More specifically Lilly likes you to read. Many times you would stay awake with her, telling stories you make up. You suddenly gasp in shock, remembering the small notebook you wrote some of your stories in.

"How could I forget!" You groan, searching through the small hidden compartment under your bed. You sigh in relief at seeing the red covered book with the words Y/n's book of fairy tales on it in fancy black ink writing.

"You seriously almost forgot that!" Zioni says with a huge smile, already finished packing.

"I know." you chuckle placing it carefully into the front of your backpack next to your small pocket knife. No way in hell are you leaving without it it's saved your ass on more than one occasion.

Suddenly a strong gust of wing blows through your shared room causing you all to snap your heads in the direction of the huge window.

And there stands a tall boy with bright fire red hair and a small ball of twinkling yellow light.

Peter Pan.

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