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It all began junior year , when a new student entered the room. He walked in and caught every girl's attention ; including Ariana Camacho's. The dark black hair and the green eyes. The boy sent winks to a few girls and Ariana scoffed. He's a player she thought , no guy could ever be good looking and not have multiple girls on him.

" how was school hermana?" Richard , Ariana's brother asked

" eh the usual. Except there's some new kid." She answered

" ooo was he cute?" Their cousin , Courtney asked

" he's attractive but , a player." Ariana shrugged

But , that was only until senior year came along.

" Ariana I need you to tutor a student for me. I can't have him fail this class he needs the credit and your a straight A student." The teacher spoke.

" of course who is he ?" Ariana asked

" Erick come this way." The teacher called out.

As soon as Ariana saw who it was she froze. There's no way she would be tutoring him but, she couldn't back out now.

Ariana had agreed that she would either tutor him in school or at a cafe. She didn't want to bring him home because of her overprotective brother.

The more Ariana tutored Erick the more she fell for him. It turned out he wasn't a player after all. But , she knew he would never feel the same.

" just because I attract them doesn't mean I'm hanging out with them or like them. I can be serious when I'm interested in a girl. In fact I'm interested in a  girl right now ." Erick said one day.

" who's the lucky girl ?" Ariana asked with a smirk.

" it's you Ariana." He spoke.

From there a secret relationship began.Until Ariana got the courage to face Richard. It only took her 3 months. She realized that her brother was her best friend and that she shouldn't be hiding anything from him.

She walked into be house hand in hand with Erick. Richard's back was facing them. He sat in the living room playing games with his best friend Zabdiel.

" Richard can we talk ?" Ariana asked

" manin give me a second." He said and Ariana rolled her eyes.  Zabdiel glanced at Ariana and his eyes widen. He then stopped the game.

" Loco, que tu haces ?!" Richard exclaimed.

" Listen to your sister." Zabdiel said and Ariana smiled at him. Zabdiel was like another older brother.

Richard turned around and froze. His gaze shifted from Erick , to Ariana , and to their hands interlocked with each other.

" Richard , this is Erick my boyfriend." She smiled. Richard got up and did a full 360 around Erick eyeing him up and down.

" he's good." Richard said

" really ?" Ariana squealed

" as long as my hermanita is happy." He replied and she hugged him tightly kissing his cheek. Richard chuckled at his sisters reaction.

" you better treat my little sister right." Richard warned Erick.

" I promise." Erick said smiling at Ariana.

He did great at keeping his promise.

He did great at keeping his promise

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Here's the first chapter , what do you guys think ? Honestly , you have no idea on what's coming.

xoxo CNCOx5

𝚐𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗 ( 𝙴.𝙱.𝙲  & 𝙹.𝙿) Where stories live. Discover now