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Joel got into his car and made his way towards the Camacho household. He knew they would be up at this time , they always are.

He knocked on the door and Courtney opened it.

" Hey Joel." She smiled hugging him.

She then stood at the door waiting for her younger cousin.

" she's not coming." Joel sighed and she closed the door in confusion.

Why was Joel here without Ariana , she thought to herself.

Joel made it to the living room area where Richard , Zabdiel , and Chris were playing games.

The two obviously became close to Chris because of Courtney.

" Pero diablo loco ! You killed me !" Ariana's brother exclaimed to Zabdiel.

Chris fell back on the couch , his laughter filling the room.

" oops." Was all Zabdiel said making Chris laugh even more.

The three were so busy playing they hadn't realized Joel's presence.

" hey guys." Joel spoke softly

The boys continued to focus on their game and shout at each other.

" YO! CAN YA SHUT UP AND LISTEN !" Courtney shouted getting their attention.

" oh Joel your here." Chris said and Joel slightly chuckled.

" y mi hermana ?" Richard quickly asked

" um , she's back at the apartment." Joel stated scratching the back of his neck.

" porque siento que algo te pasa ?" Zabdiel asked the boy.

" okay okay , yes I need to talk to all of you guys." The curly head confessed.

" Is Ari okay ?" Richard asked

" I know this may be weird for you to hear considering your her brother." The boy began to speak.

" bro just say it." Chris spoke up.

" We were having sex and she moaned out Erick's name." Joel sighed and their eyes all widen.

" and we haven't had sex in awhile. She said it was okay this time around. But , when I heard that I got frustrated and came here. I really like your sister and I know Erick is the love of her life; I'm nothing compared to him. I really like your sister Richard. I want to be there for her no matter how hard things get but, her moaning out his name ... really ?" He explained.

" I understand bro , and I know she's been doing better. I'm her brother she tells me everything." Richard said trying to think about his sister's actions .

" I just need space and I know she needs the same , so can I stay here ?" Joel asked and they all nodded.

" You both don't even live here." Courtney said looking at her boyfriend and Zabdiel.

Joel was going to sleep in Ariana's room. He smiled at her room , it was girly yet mature. The room was filled with her scent. He meant what he said today , he really likes the girl.

He laid on her bed hugging a pillow. While thinking of her he drifted into deep sleep.

 While thinking of her he drifted into deep sleep

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I guess you can call this chapter fluff. When did I even get to 2k reads for this story ???

But , I'm glad to know so many amazing cncowners ❤️

I'm happy to have you guys on here to talk about the boys. You guys are literally my own kind hehe. Literally no one close to me likes them so

xoxo CNCOx5

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