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Chris was woken up by the sound of loud bangs.

" compadre , que haces loco ? I'm trying to ." He froze at the sight of Erick.

He shakily ran and grabbed his phone. Chris first called the ambulance, then his mom , and lastly Ariana.

" Erick , stay with me . Come on your strong. Help is coming." Chris said as he applied pressure. He couldn't really tell where the wounds were the wounds were.

This was all because Erick owed money.

Ariana and Joel were currently sleeping in bed. She heard her phone go off on her night stand. She couldn't believe the words that escaped Chris' mouth.

She quickly untangled herself from Joel and turned on the lights, tears already falling nonstop. Ariana rummaged around desperate to get some clothes. With all the noise she was making , Joel woke up.

" what's going on ?" He asked his voice all raspy.

Ariana gave no response.

" oh shit , your crying. What's wrong ? Are you okay ?" He asked and watched as she quickly put the clothes on her body.

" Erick got shot, okay?!" She responded as the tears rolled down her cheeks.

" I'm going to the hospital." She croaked.

" wait hold on , I'm going with you." Joel said quickly finding some clothes.

Ariana couldn't go alone especially in the state she was in. Joel needed and wanted to be there for her.

Ariana rushes into the hospital. She saw Chris standing there crying.

" Where is he ?" She asked as Joel just stood there.

Christ pointed towards a room. Ariana ran in and saw Erick and his mother;He looked so lifeless.
His mother walked out giving them privacy.

Ariana quickly grabbed onto his hand and looked into his eyes.

" mi cielo." Erick struggled to speak.

" shh baby don't talk. It's going to be okay." She cried while holding onto his hand for dear life.

But , I don't think she believed her own statement. Erick wasn't in any good condition. The doctors tried and connected him to see.

His thumb slowly tried to rub her hand. A tear escaped his eye.

" Te amo con todo mi alma." Was all he said and the machine went off.

" No!" Ariana screamed and cried " Erick !!"

Nurses came running in. They began to pull her away. She watched as they covered his body.

She walked out , she saw that Courtney,Richard , and Zabdiel were now present. Everyone had a concern look waiting for her to talk. All they heard was her screaming and nurses running in. She walked up to Chris , she began to punch his chest and cry.

" it's all your fault , he's dead!" She shouted , Chris suddenly felt numb .  The rest had tears in their eyes.

" You introduced him to that life and didn't even stop him ! It's all your fault, the love of my life is gone." Ariana continued to punch Chris. Her punches didn't hurt at all due to the fact that she was crying and weak.

Chris suddenly grabbed her shoulders " Listen to me ! It wasn't my fault !"

Tears rolled down his cheek.

" I told him to stop and he didn't listen till maybe 2 days ago." He spoke. Ariana collapsed onto the floor crying.

Courtney rushed to Chris's said meanwhile Richard and Zabdiel fell onto the floor each of them on either side of Ariana. Erick's mom was already filling out papers and deciding what to do.

Joel just stood there watching not knowing what to say or do.

Joel just stood there watching not knowing what to say or do

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I know ya hate me so much rn , I'm sorry. trust me I cried while writing this. When I got the idea of the story I was afraid I would back out from writing it because of this and my love for Erick. you know Erick is my baby but, something out of my comfort zone.

I guess this is goodbye to Erick

xoxo CNCOx5

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