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Today Ariana woke up and thought it would be a good day to go to the cemetery. For the past week and a half Ariana hasn't bothered on her appearance; she went out and didn't care how others thought she looked.

She made it to his grave and placed a rose on it. She slightly smiled and began to speak.

" Ay Erick , why did you leave me ? We had a whole future waiting for us. There was no one else I would've spent it with and you know that. We were suppose to get back together." She spoke and sat on the ground crossing her legs up to her chest.

" I miss you so much , we all do." She croaked as she was already crying. 

Suddenly she heard her name being said.

" Ariana . Ariana."

Her eyes widen, it can't be.

" Erick ?" She called out.

He chuckled " mi cielo , over here."

She turned around and saw Erick.

" E-Erick , it's you?"She asked eagerly and he nodded.

" Mi Amor , it's my ghost your seeing. You really thought I would leave you alone." He smiled and she couldn't help but, smile back.

Suddenly he disappeared and she grew sad once more. She said her goodbyes and headed back to her car.

As she was about to start the car , he appeared to her once again.

" Sorry , I'm still getting used to this whole ghost thing." He spoke startling her and he laughed.

" you think ." She smiled and it was a complete one.

This was all so weird to her but , she could see and hear him. She technically had him and that made her happy.

Erick accompanied her the entire way home. When they made it to her door she stopped.

" I think it's best you disappear now or do whatever ghost do because then I won't be able to stop talking to you and Joel is home." She said and he nodded.

" I'll see you soon mi cielo." He said and with that she disappeared. 

She was definitely in a better mood and Joel noticed.  He didn't ask questions but, he was happy to see her smiling. 

That night Ariana cried again , she wishes she could have Erick physically. She cared so much for Joel but , she sometimes wishes it was Erick.

As for Joel , it broke his heart to hear her cry again over him.


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This is where the story gets a little more fictional. So , Erick isn't gone after all technically. How do you feel about this ?

This may be a short story , I don't want anything to drag.

Also , if you haven't please answer the question on the last chapter ... it's for something in the near future 😉

Sequel to Tóxica out now !

xoxo CNCOx5

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