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Ariana and Joel were doing great. They even decided to have a little date night tonight. She got all dressed up because she wanted to look cute for herself and Joel of course.

 She got all dressed up because she wanted to look cute for herself and Joel of course

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She decided on a matching pair of shorts and tube top.

" someone looks cute." Joel said leaning against the door frame of the bathroom.

" You look even cuter

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" You look even cuter." She winked complimenting Joel. He instantly turned red.

" We're around each other 25/8 and I've seen you naked so many times; you still blush when I compliment you. Que cuteee." Ariana said giggling.

" okay are you ready ?" Joel asked trying to hide his smile.

" yea , let's go."

The date was going well, they didn't decide on anything fancy. Ariana was truly enjoying herself. Whatever happened the other day was vanished from her thoughts.

" Ariana , can I tell you something ?" Joel asked

" sure baby , anything." She smiled looking up at him from his food.

" the truth is since the day I saw you , I've been attracted to you. I want to continue to be on this roller coaster ride with you , I don't think I could ever get off it. I clearly understand everything your going through. Trust me , I just want to make you happy. I know you probably won't ever say this to me but , I love you. Will you be my girlfriend ?" The boy asked the girl. He was fidgeting with his bracelets and rings, he was nervous.

Just as Ariana was about to speak up , Erick appeared next to Joel.

Ariana tried her best to keep her cool.  She was ignoring his presence as best as she could.

" So what , are you going to say yes ? Poor Joel next to me is nervous and anxious. He's waiting for your reply Ari." Erick spoke.

Ariana kept her gaze focused on Joel's.

" Is everything okay ?" Joel asked taking her hand. He noticed how she froze.

" So what are you going to say ?" Erick asked once more.

Ariana was feeling overwhelmed. 

" I - I'm sorry Joel , I need time ." Ariana spoke

Did she really though?

She looked to the right of Joel and Erick had a slight smirk. He then began to disappear.

" it's okay, don't worry." The Mexican softly smiled , even though he was slightly disappointed.

Ariana and Joel had a routine in which after dinner they would get ice cream. So , that's what they did. As they were walking Erick appeared again, he had a huge smile.

" Ariana you know I love you." He spoke as Joel and Ariana walked.  She closed her eyes hoping he'd go away.

But , when she opened them he was still there, walking backwards in front of them.

" I know you love me too , just follow me." Erick said now standing in the middle of the street.

" Come on , take my hand." He said extending out his hand for her.

In that moment it was just them, Ariana began to walk towards him.

The light was green and cars were coming.

" ARIANA !" Joel shouted.


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The gif of Ariana is literally me. Will Ariana be okay ?

I hope this chapter brought some excitement and spice.

xoxo CNCOx5

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