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It was a beautiful day out but , Erick decided it was best for him to stay home. He needed to stay off the streets.

" I'm going out with Courtney , I'll be back by evening. You know this is your house." Chris said to Erick before leaving.

Erick sighed and decided to watch some Netflix. There was nothing else for him to do.

As he was deciding what to watch he came across his and Ariana's favorite show , Riverdale. The new season was out , they both always talked about watching it together. Erick sighed and clicked on the first episode.

It was already night time and Ariana was washing the dishes as Joel played his game. Earlier today she brought her stuff over to his apartment with his help. She genuinely felt happy and enjoyed Joel's company. Richard was okay with it and so was Courtney. Of course on certain days she will sleep over at her house.

Suddenly she felt two arms wrapped around her fork behind, she instantly smiled. He began to kiss her cheek down to her neck.

" you know." * kiss* " I was wondering if." *kiss* " we could have some fun." *kiss* Joel stated while turning Ariana around to face him.

" you know to celebrate you living with me now." He added.

" you know I thought you were a shy and innocent boy. Pero , all you are is a bellaco." She stated with a smile as his head tilted back in laughter.

" I promise it's only for you." He said pecking her lips.

Joel's lips were soft and his kisses always lingered. She placed her arms around his neck deepening the kiss.

" what do you say ?" He asked as they pulled away.

She smirked and grabbed his hand , she began to lead him to now their room. 

" Take off  your sweats and boxers." She demanded looking at him. He was caught off guard by how demanding she became but, he didn't mind. Her eyes were filled with lust but , also care.

He did as told and waited for her next instruction. It was evident that she wanted to be in control.

She had him sit on the bed as she took off the huge hoodie she was wearing. Joel just stared as she walked over to him and straddled his naked body. He groaned at the fact that there was only a piece of thin fabric separating them.

Eventually , she undid her undergarments leaving herself completely naked; Joel was growing impatient. She smirked as she grabbed his length and placed it inside of her. They both moaned out feeling such sudden pleasure.

Joel grabbed onto her waist to guide her. Their moans filled their apartment.

Erick was currently still awake meanwhile Chris was fast asleep. He was just flipping through channels while thinking about what he was going to do to make things normal.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Erick furrowed his eyebrows in confusion but , went to see who it was. The boy didn't even get to see or process what was happening.

Erick was now laying in a puddle of his own blood.


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I'm not going to say anything ... bye

xoxo CNCOx5

𝚐𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗 ( 𝙴.𝙱.𝙲  & 𝙹.𝙿) Where stories live. Discover now