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Ariana woke up to the sound of her alarm and groaned in response. Although , she was happy to finish this year up ; she hated waking up early.

When she finally got the energy to wake up , she went into the bathroom and began her daily routine. Luckily , last night she picked out her outfit in advance because that's where she spends most of her time.

As she was finishing up she received a text from her boyfriend

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As she was finishing up she received a text from her boyfriend.

El baby
I got us breakfast

She couldn't help but, smile. This boy truly had her heart. Ariana flew down the stairs once again.

" morning to you too !" Courtney shouted

" have a good day sis!" Richard shouted as well as they watched Ariana run out the door.

At the sight of each other they couldn't help but , smile.

" Mi cielo , I got you a bacon , egg, and cheese with a donut." Erick said to his girlfriend

" Te amo ! Te amo !" She said kissing him twice.

He'd do anything to make her happy.

They made it to their collage. Since Ariana was always on top of her work , she encouraged Erick to do the same. Therefore they only had school on certain days. Their schedules were slightly the same , nothing they couldn't manage or figure out.

First , they had music. They walked in hand in hand to that course. The couple along the way there saw familiar faces and smiled. 

The room was somewhat empty.

" I guess no one is that interested in music." Ariana whispered and Erick nodded looking around.

It was only about a handful of them in the room.  It was already time to begin and the profesor wasn't in yet.

" psh , late on the first day." Erick laughed and Ariana did the same.

Suddenly someone walked in , everyone looked up thinking it was the profesor but , it wasn't. It was another student; a student they've never seen before. All eyes were definitely one him.  Erick and Ariana have participated in a lot so they know most people. Anyway , anyone could sense when someone is new.

The boy sat down in an empty seat. He scanned the room and looked at the people without making it too obvious. 

His eyes then stopped on the couple in front of the room. He thought the girl was pretty and had no clue they were dating. The boy then realized he had been staring too long when he saw the green eyed boy smirk and kiss the girl. He instantly looked away.

"Erick , there's people." Ariana gasped shyly. Erick knew she wasn't too fond of PDA , especially in an educational facility.

" the new guy was definitely checking you out." Erick whispered

" or maybe he was just observing his classmates." The girl replied

" yea , okay." He replied rolling his eyes.

" okay and so what if he was checking me out? I love you , mi loco. No one can ever take your place." Ariana said quickly pecking Erick's lips and waving around the ring on her finger causing him to laugh.

It was the truth , she had no eyes for anyone that wasn't Erick.


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So , how are you guys feeling about the new boy so far ? What do you want to see more of ?( like get more information on)

Eriana are literally everything , they are so cute.

I've decided to do a Q & A. Comment any questions and I'll answer them. It can be about this story , my past stories , any new stories. Ask me anything and I'll answer.

𝚐𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗 ( 𝙴.𝙱.𝙲  & 𝙹.𝙿) Where stories live. Discover now