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It's already the new year and Erick's birthday was already tomorrow. Ariana has been waiting for this day for the longest. It wasn't just any birthday , it was his 21st.  She wanted it to be fun and special.

They've spent their entire winter break together. Not like they're ever separated from each other but , now they had actual free time to do whatever.

Erick's mother was glad that Erick was with Ariana. Mothers know best and she knows Erick is up to no good along side Christopher. Also , just recently Ariana has been breaking the ice with Christopher. Well , she has no other choice. Her cousin is with him and he's her boyfriend's best friend.

Yes , Courtney and Chris have gotten back together and it seems to be working.

It was soon going to be midnight. Erick has been playing games for hours in his room. Meanwhile , Ariana and his mom have made a cake and bought balloons.

There was only two minutes left when Erick began to make his way downstairs in search of his girlfriend.

" Mi cielo , dónde estás ?" He called out for Ariana but got no response.

" Mama , where's Ari ?" He called out to his mom as well.

Erick made his way into the kitchen and saw the two most important women in his life.

They two of them began to sing happy birthday as he walked closer to the counter. He then blew out the candles and kiss the two ladies on the forehead. Ariana then smashed his face into the cake and ran to the other side.

" you did not !" Erick exclaimed and grabbed a handful of frosting.

" a mi no !" His mother exclaimed.

" no! I'm sorry !" Ariana squealed as she ran but Erick grabbed her from behind and smeared frosting all over her face. He then picked her up spinning her around as their laughter filled the room. Erick's mom took the opportunity to take some pictures without them noticing.

" I love you." Erick said to her

" and I love you more mi loco." She replied.

" now let's get cleaned up." He whispered while wiggling his eyebrows.

She laughed and slightly pushed him.

" don't make me say the word." She replied

Erick still had no clue as to what was going to come next.

Later that morning Ariana quietly left Erick's house. She left him a note explaining to meet her at her house later today.

she got into her car and hoped that these idiots did what she asked them to. No , she wasn't talking about Courtney; she meant Richard and Zabdiel.
But , before figuring that out she went to get breakfast.

When she arrived home she went straight into the kitchen and stood there in shock. The kitchen island was covered completely with liquor bottles. Any possible liquor that you could name in the world was there.

" Guys ... what the actual fuck ?!" Ariana exclaimed.

" what ? you said we were throwing him a party." Richard shrugged

" so we bought liquor." Zabdiel smiled

Courtney just stood there shut.

" yes , but we didn't need this much ?!" Ariana exclaimed once more.

" you can never go wrong with too much liquor." Richard said smiling slightly sticking his tongue out. Zabdiel then dabbed him up.

" Says the two that can barely even handle one drink." Ariana scoffed

" oye nena , no seas tan mala." The Puerto Rican said.

Ariana just shook her head and took her breakfast upstairs. She was really excited for tonight.

Ariana was already dressed.

People were starting to arrive

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People were starting to arrive. Erick should arrive any minute. Ariana wanted Richard to get to people to be quiet but , she couldn't find him.

She then found him already flirting with some girl.

" can you calm yourself for like a second and collect everybody Erick should be here any second." Ariana scoffed at her brother.

" Diablo manin , chill I'm on it." He said putting his hands up in surrender.

Erick walked up to the door , he normally would come in just to say hi to Richard. So Ariana opened it and then turned on the lights. Everyone yelled " surprise" and indeed he was.

The couple partied the night away and continued to only have eyes for each other.


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I'm not even going to say anything ...

Anyway , today is Ariana's birthday and like shes fckn gorgeous !! Are you kidding me ?! ( screenshot from the video)

Anyway , today is Ariana's birthday and like shes fckn gorgeous !! Are you kidding me ?! ( screenshot from the video)

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Okay lastly , how old you do guys think I am ?  If you happen to know my age don't comment.

xoxo CNCOx5

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