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Its been about a month and a half; it's currently towards the end of February. Erick has been getting more involved in his business. Whenever he wasn't with Ariana , that's what he was up to. He was smoking a little more but , still knew how to handle himself. I mean he couldn't help himself , he had the supplies and wasn't going to use them ?

To Erick it was all about feeling good. He believes that smoking makes him feel good. But , why need that when he has Ariana ? Or is it just because he's involved in the whole " business" that he uses it ?

Either way it doesn't matter the reason because it's still no good.

Erick was currently at Chris' apartment. He came to pick up his duffle bag filled with supplies. He was smart , he would leave his bag at Chris's. Erick couldn't have his mom find out or even have that in his house.

He smoked a bit of Chris's blunt and left. He got into his car and drove to the allie where he needed to meet this guy.

When he arrived the guy was arguing with someone. Erick stood back and just listened before going in. He made sure the other guy had left before doing what he had to do.

The Cuban was buying off of this guy and then going to sell; this was Erick's main guy. Suddenly while they were exchanging the guy who was previously there came back with a gun.

" kid leave." Erick's guy said to him.

Erick ran as fast as he could back to his car with his bag. He just wanted to know what was that about? Why did he want to kill him?

Erick was feeling so many things at once he began to smoke. In the mix of it all he was thinking of Ariana and what he needed to do in the morning.

He realized how dangerous this could all be.

The next morning Ariana woke up and made herself breakfast. Well more like brunch since she woke up late. Courtney nor Richard were home which meant she had the house to herself.

After eating she sat on the couch and began to watch some movies until the doorbell rung.

She opened the door and saw Erick. She had texted him but , he didn't reply. Ariana assumed that since he was at her doorstep he saw the message; he didn't though.

" mi amor." She said hugging him while smiling.

Her smile instantly faded when she didn't feel his arms wrapped around her.

" are you okay ?" She asked pulling away.

" look Ariana I - I'm no good for you. I don't want you getting hurt nor getting involved in some way. I love you too much to let that happen. We need to break up ." Erick said

Ariana fell to the floor on her knees. She tried to speak but , no words came out of her mouth. Instead tears began to roll down her cheeks.

Erick closed the door , since he knew she wouldn't be able to. As soon as he turned around to walk back to his car the tears began to roll down his face.

He was too deeply involved. He knew some how she could end up getting hurt because as much as you try to be private , people find out. Erick couldn't live with her getting hurt.

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DUN DUN DUNNN , Erick broke up with Ariana ; he did it out of love. I'm not crying , you are. Sorry if this chapter sucked.

xoxo CNCOx5

𝚐𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗 ( 𝙴.𝙱.𝙲  & 𝙹.𝙿) Where stories live. Discover now