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a month and a half later ( WARNING )

Erick spent most of his time with Chris or either high. Instead of him saying it makes him feel good , it was helping him numb the pain and emptiness he felt.

Now your wondering , why doesn't he go back to her ?

He believes at this point he isn't good enough and he can't be putting her in danger. She's too good and innocent for all of this , besides the fact that she doesn't support drugs at all.

Erick was content with the short updates Richard would give him or whenever Chris was with Courtney.

It was a Saturday night and Ariana was home alone. Everyone was literally out doing something.   Ariana hated being alone because this is where her overthinking begins. She sat on the couch scrolling through her photos. Her camera roll was technically half Erick. Usually at times like this she would be with him.

She quickly turned off her phone before she could begin crying. She went upstairs and changed ; out she went.

Ariana was definitely not spending another Saturday night alone.

Ariana stood in front of the door hesitantly. She didn't know whether to knock or just leave , it was already late. What if he was asleep ? She thought to herself as she paced back and forth. She then got the courage to knock.

He opened the door , shirtless with sweats hanging loosely at his waist. Ariana was stunned and taken back by the sight.

" shit you were sleeping , I'm sorry." Ariana apologized quickly.

" no your good , I was on FaceTime with my brothers." Joel smiled and stepped aside signaling for her to come in.

Joel lived in a beautiful apartment by himself. Ariana literally wondered how he found out about it. It was literally perfect.

" Is everything okay ?" Joel asked his friend , he was really concerned. I mean she came all the way to his house late at night.

" Yes , I mean no. I was starting to overthink and began looking at pictures. I was home alone because Courtney is probably with Chris and Richard is out doing who knows what with Zabdiel. I - I just felt alone and I" her rambling came to a halt when Joel placed his lips onto hers.

Her smalls hands reached the back of his neck and pulled him towards her deepening the kiss. It was a good kiss ; soft , slow , and gentle.

Ariana then placed herself on his lap and straddled him. She began to leave kisses all over his neck. Joel then reattached their lips together. Ariana moaned into the kiss feeling Joel grow hard underneath her.

Joel then stood up , causing himself to carry Ariana in the process. He walked into his room and gently laid her on the bed. He stood back and looked into her eyes. Ariana's eyes glistened with lust. There was no denying Joel felt the same way.

Ariana sat up and took of her shirt catching Joel off guard.  He then began to take off her pants. Once she was in her undergarments he stopped.

" Are you sure you want to do this ?" He asked

" Yes Joel , I need you." She replied looking at him straight in the eye.

The two proceeded to remove clothing. Once Ariana removed Joel's boxers her eyes widen and he smirked. The girl hadn't seen nobody else's but Erick's. The girl was stunned by Joel's entire body.

He slightly hovered over her which now caused her to fully lay down. He made sure her head was on a pillow. He gently spread her legs open. He rubbed his tip against her entrance causing her to groan in annoyance.

" stop teasing me ." She complained and Joel chuckled.

He slowly placed himself inside of her and a loud moan escaped her lips.

" f-faster." Joel heard her breathe out. He fastened the pace as her nails dug into his back.

The two were feeling immense pleasure.

" J-Joel I'm about to ."

They both released at the same exact time. Joel collapsed on top of her. They both breathed heavily. He then laid beside her and pulled the bed sheets over them.

" let's get some rest." Joel whispered and pulled her closer to him.

This is what Ariana needed pleasure and attention. At the end of the day , they were both lonely.


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I gave you guys quite a chapter , whew. What are we thinking ? Will these two date or will it be more of a friends with benefits type of thing ? Will Erick find out about Joel and Ariana ?

Did you guys like the chapter ? Did i do good ?

So I ordered the guys new magazine cover , of course I wanted the Erick cover but , that wouldn't be fair. They are CNCO and I love them all so I got the cover with all of them on it.

Also ... 😏

xoxo CNCOx5

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xoxo CNCOx5

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