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" ARIANA!" Joel shouted.

He quickly ran and tackled Ariana causing them both to fall on the ground. People around them watched.

Ariana snapped out of her trance and Erick was no longer present. Joel immediately helped her get up.

" What is wrong with you ?! You almost got killed !" Joel exclaimed in frustration at the short girl in front of him.

Her eyes began to water, once he noticed his eyes soften.

" I'm sorry , are you okay ? Are you hurt?" He asked softly.

She then began to cry , Joel pulled her into him. He stroked her hair and placed kisses on her head.

" Ariana , I need you to talk to me.  I need you to tell me what's wrong." He spoke pulling away and looking straight into her brown eyes.

" C-Can we go to my place?" She croaked and Joel nodded.

They made their way back to their apartment to get the car and then drove off to her house.

" What happened ?" Richard asked as soon as the two walked through the door. He could tell she'd been crying.

Ariana stood shut as Joel looked to the ground.

" Are you guys going to say something ?" Courtney asked growing anxious.

" Ariana almost got hit by a car." Joel sighed and Courtney gasped.

" She then asked for me to bring her here." He finished off.

" I want to talk to you guys." Ariana softly spoke.

They nodded and all gathered in the living room.

" nena sabes que puedes confiar en nosotros." Zabdiel said to her and she nodded.

" We're ready to listen." Joel said and she smiled at him. She took his hand in hers.

" Now what I'm about to say will sound crazy but , please you have to believe me." She began and they all nodded. She took a deep breathe and Joel rubbed her hand with his thumb.

" I can see and talk to Erick's ghost." She said waiting for a reaction. Everyone literally froze. 

" Que ?!" Chris exclaimed and began to laugh.

" pendejo." Zabdiel said and smacked the back of his head.

" He told me he wouldn't appear when I was around people and lately he's been doing it a lot lately; especially when I'm with Joel. None of you guys can see him nor hear when I talk to him." The girl continued.

" is that why you couldn't answer properly my question from earlier? I could tell you looked unsure of your answer." Joel spoke up and she nodded.

" he was right next to you." Ariana admitted, Joel just pulled her into a hug.

" I mean he almost just got you killed." Richard said to his sister.

That's what Ariana wanted the answer to. Why did he try to kill her, why was he doing the opposite ?

 Why did he try to kill her, why was he doing the opposite ?

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Ariana is okay ! I couldn't kill her off like that. Do you think Erick will stop ? Will Ariana ever say yes to being Joel's girlfriend ?

So Joel and Emilia unfollowed each other 👀

xoxo CNCOx5

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