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Erick adored Ariana. On his end it was safe to say that he loved her. He was just too scared to say it to her.  It was their 6 month anniversary tomorrow and he wanted it to be special; it was half a year.

" bro no se que hacer." Erick huffed to his friend Christopher.

" do something a little more romantic , everything has been casual between you guys so far." Chris commented.

" your right." Erick said agreeing.

All the dates they've been on have been simple nothing to big. Ariana was all about simplicity. As long as she was with Erick she was happy and ok. Erick was all she needed and vise versa. But , he wanted to do something more for once.

" I got it , I've got to go. I'll tell you later." Erick said leaving his house leaving Chris there.

He got into his car and drove to the mall. After going to the mall he made it to Ariana's. He had the box in his hand and the flowers in another.

Richard appeared at the door.

" aye man , what's up. Ariana isn't home right now." He said to his sister's boyfriend.

" yea I know , I just wanted to leave this in her room for her. Oh and to talk to you." Erick said and Richard let him in.

They sat on the couch and Erick began to explain his plan to Richard.

" you really like my sister dog." The Dominican smiled

" you have no idea." Erick replied from the top of the steps.

Erick walked upstairs and placed the things nicely on her bed. He then wrote her a note.

" Happy Almost Anniversary mi cielo! I hope you like what's inside the box. I'll see you tomorrow at 6:30."

- Tu Erick

After writing the note he left. He got in his car and turned on a cigarette. Yes , Erick smokes and yes Ariana knows. It doesn't change a thing to her.

Later that day Ariana arrived back home with Courtney after having a girls day out. The three of them live together alongside Ariana's and Richard's parents.

They each walked into their room. Ariana spotted the box and flowers. She picked up the note and smiled. Then she moved on to the box and opened it. In the box was entire outfit , which she assumed Erick wanted her to wear tomorrow. She was in complete shock in how well Erick knew what she liked.

Ariana already couldn't wait for tomorrow.


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I can't wait for Erick's and Ariana's date. They are so cute , it melts my heart. You'll see eventually when the story gets to it's peak.

Everytime I look at Joel I cant help but wonder why am I not in his lane. Like why isn't he my main.

xoxo CNCOx5

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