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As time went on Ariana would spend more time with Joel. If they weren't out they were always at his house.  When Erick would text Richard , Richard would tell Erick exactly that.  It made Erick somewhat happy to see that she was doing better. He wanted to let her know how he feels. 

Erick went over to her house and stood in front of the door. He was to hesitant and nervous to talk. Why was he so nervous ? It's just Ariana , the only person he's comfortable with fully.

Suddenly, the door open and there she appeared. She was obviously going out.

" Erick ?" She asked softly as she saw him standing there.

" Can we talk? I mean clearly you have some place to be but , can we please ?" He asked her and she nodded as she locked the door.

" Ariana I love you and I always will you know that.  I'm glad that your happy , that makes me happy. I just want you to tell me what's going on so i don't have to assume." Erick spoke.

" I guess I like Joel a bit and care for him but , I love you." She said jumping into his arms. At this point she was already crying. They both stood there for a minute enjoying the moment.

" I've got to go." Erick said quickly heading into his car.

He wasn't going to let anyone have Ariana. He was going to get better and get her back.

Ariana arrived to Joel's place. They were going out to grab some food. Only , Joel insisted on driving so they switched spots.

They arrived and ordered their food , they immediately began to eat. 

" you know I was wondering if ." Joel began to speak but , Ariana cut him off. 

" If I can move in with you ?" She asked excitedly and with hope in her eyes.

" yes I'd love to have you move in with me. You spend most of your time in my house anyway even when I'm working." He chuckled and she smiled because he was right.

" then we'll fully gather my things tomorrow?" Ariana asked and he smiled nodding.

It was a big step and the two weren't exactly a couple but , she was sure of it. She wanted this.

" Chris I want to stop all of this. No quiero seguir más." Erick said to his friend.

" stop what ?" Chris asked.

" All of this shit. The selling , the smoking , and everything. Yo la amo y no la quiero perder." The Cuban said truthfully to his friend.

" I told you this awhile go. But , don't you owe them money?" Chris asked as Erick groaned in frustration. 

" I forgot about that."

" Well then , your going to have to lay low until you get what they want and give it to them. Then you can stop smoking and get yourself together." His friend advised him.

" then , I'll get my girl."

It was true , Chris had told Erick to leave it all. He made that mistake before while being with Courtney the first time besides him cheating.


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Finally , Erick is going to get himself together. Is there hope for Eriana ? Do you think she'll change her mind when Erick comes back ?

What do you guys want after this , sequel to Tóxica or a new Richard story? ) I have both waiting in my drafts)

Lastly , please respond to my recent announcement ❤️

xoxo CNCOx5

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