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Today Ariana had a plan. She was going to tease Erick and fight him off.Joel was working today and should be back soon.

" Erick are you here ?!" Ariana called out." Come on Erick , I know your watching."

" I'm here." He said finally appearing.

" Great." Ariana said with a smirk untying her robe. It fell to her feet leaving her in a lingerie. 

" Mi Amor , I love the view of you in this but , we can't do it together.  I'm a ghost you won't feel anything." Erick chuckled.

Suddenly the door knob moved indicating Joel was home.

" But , he can." Ariana said with a smirk.

" Babe I'm - woah." Joel said at the sight of Ariana.

She stared intensely at Erick and made her way towards Joel.

" Well I was thinking we could have some fun and since I kind of owe you

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" Well I was thinking we could have some fun and since I kind of owe you." Ariana said wrapping her arms around Joel's neck.

" Are you sure?" Joel asked

" Positive." She replied biting her lip. Erick didn't say anything he was just there.

Erick just stood there. He watched as Joel would please her; He couldn't take it .

" Be careful you don't say my name again." Erick chuckled bitterly.

Ariana was trying her best to ignore him.

" You thought this would bother me ? This is really bothering you." He added.

" J- Joel." She moaned out and Erick's eyes widen, he suddenly disappeared.

Her nails dug deeper into Joel's back as they both released.

Joel kissed her lips.

" I love you." He said out of breath.

" and I'll be your girlfriend." Ariana said smiling.

" wait , really ?!" Joel asked with the biggest smile.

" yes silly ." She giggled as Joel attacked her in more kisses. 

Erick appeared and was mad. It was written all over his face. 


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Okay so ew , this chapter sucked and was so short I'm sorry.  Ariana looks so good in the gifs , I literally can't.

So , the next chapter may be the last chapter because I don't want this story to drag as I've said before.

Will it be a happy ending or a sad ending ? Is Ariana ready for Joel ?

Sequel to Tóxica up now !!

xoxo CNCOx5

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