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4 years and a half later

It was officially the last day of summer , college started all over again for Ariana and Erick tomorrow; good thing it was their last year. The two have been dating for almost five years and they couldn't be happier.

They were currently outside in Ariana's back yard.

" Erick , what if someone's sees." Ariana gasped as Erick pulled out a blunt.

" mi amor , Richard knows you know." The boy stated to his girlfriend calming down her worries. Richard and Zabdiel got along well with Erick.

Now if your wondering why Ariana doesn't like Chris this is why , he introduced him to the streets. He isn't the best influence. Not the gang life but the use of substances; Chris is older than Erick. Ariana would've never imagine Erick going down this road of the whole buying and selling. He doesn't do it so much in front of her and it's not an everyday thing. It's more of just earning the money to him , yet still dangerous. At the end of the day it doesn't define him and she loves him for who he is. Also , Chris has cheated on her cousin Courtney before but, they are a whole other story.

She watched as her boyfriend inhaled and looked so relaxed.

" want to try ?" He asked and she slowly nodded. He passed it to her and she inhaled. Ariana began to cough up a storm.

" How do you do that ?" She asked in between coughs and he laughed.

" you get used to it , now don't ever do this with anyone else that's not me. No one will care for you or protect you like me." Erick stated his green eyes looking into her brown ones.

Once Erick decided he was done they went inside the house.

" boo!"

" acere !" Ariana exclaimed her inner Cuban coming out of her as Erick laughed.

" bro , you've made my sister Cuban. Ariana nosotros los dominicanos decimos manin." Richard stated and Ariana rolled her eyes.

She then dragged Erick upstairs to her room with her.

" I can't believe we start all over again tomorrow." Ariana said as Erick laid down on her bed.

" me either but , at least we'll be done." He said pulling her into his arms.

Since the two graduated together from high school , they decided on going to the same college together. Even though neither of them had plans on going far.

Erick was majoring in psychology with a minor in music. Meanwhile Ariana was majoring in nursing with a minor in music. For sure , they would have a few classes together. Since their courses are close to each other.

The two of them couldn't wait to see what the future would hold for them after graduating.


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So now you guys know why she doesn't like Chris. How do you guys feel about the habits Erick is picking up and what he does ?

comment a ship name for Erick and Ariana.

Lastly , do you like that I include visuals of outfits and things or nah you think it's unnecessary? Please lmk

xoxo CNCOx5

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