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Ariana woke up to the right side of the bed being empty. Joel didn't come home last night. She sighed in frustration, she did her morning routine. After that she got dressed and was making her way out to find him.

As she drove , Ariana spoke to herself.

" Why did Erick have to show up like that ?" She softly spoke

" He's never done that."

" Dammit Erick !" She yelled hitting her steering wheel.

She arrived to her house since of course she has the keys she walked right in. She saw Courtney , Richard , and Zabdiel in the living room.

Courtney immediately hugged her cousin. Followed by Richard and Zabdiel who hugged her as well.

" have you guys seen Joel ?" Ariana asked

" he's upstairs sleeping in your room." Courtney replied and Ariana let out a sigh of relief.

" Mi Amor , are you okay ? How's everything going ? How are you feeling about Erick?" Her brother asked all at once.

" I'm doing fine , except for what happened last night. Which I assume he already told you guys." She spoke and they nodded.

" As for Erick ... He just comes to visit me when I'm dreaming every now and then." Ariana softly spoke.

" I think I visit you a little more than that and not when your dreaming." Erick appeared causing Ariana to look to her side where he stood.

"not now Erick." Ariana whispered to herself.

" is everything okay ?" Richard asked concerned

" ay loco cuanto te extraño." Erick commented causing Ariana to jump slightly. Due to the fact that he was behind her.

" Nena , relax it's okay." Zabdiel said to her.

" I - I need air , excuse me." Ariana said walking outside.

She walked outside and Erick was already there with a smirk on his face.

" Why are you being so mean?!" She exclaimed , clearly annoyed.

Erick chuckled" Mi cielo , I'm a ghost. Ghosts aren't nice."

" You weren't doing this before." She spat.

Meanwhile Richard and Zabdiel decided to peak out the window. They saw Ariana arguing with the air. There were also no words coming out of her mouth.

Only Ariana could see Erick and whenever she spoke to him no one could hear.

" ella no está bien de la cabeza." Zabdiel said to Richard and he sighed.

" I don't even want to talk to you right now just leave." Ariana said to Erick and he quickly disappeared.

She just couldn't comprehend it. He told her he would never show up when she was around people and now he was. Especially, when she's getting intimate with Joel.

The two boys saw her making her way back inside so they quickly sat down pretending to not have seen a thing.

As she walked in Joel was coming down the stairs. He was shirtless and in sweats.

" Joel." Ariana sighed and pulled him into a hug.

He instantly wrapped his arms around her tiny frame.

" I'm sorry amor." She whispered

" baby , it's ok." He replied.

Ariana looked up still in Joel's arms and there stood Erick with a facial expression she couldn't read.

Ariana looked up still in Joel's arms and there stood Erick with a facial expression she couldn't read

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Why do you think Erick changed his mind about appearing to Ariana only when she's alone ?

What do you guys want to see happen , give me ideas ( I'm a bit stuck).

Lastly , so Joel is just going to win all the challenges.

xoxo CNCOx5

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