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That night Ariana spent the night at her actual home. Chris came along as well because his apartment was blocked off by the police. Joel hugged Ariana before leaving to their apartment. Ariana spent that entire night crying and looking at the ring Erick gave her.

A piece of her was missing.

Today was Erick's funeral and burial. Ariana has barely spoken. 

" good morning mi amor." Richard said kissing her forehead. He embraced her in a big hug , she began to cry. Ariana felt that crying was the only thing she knew how to do.  The others began to cry with her.

" How am I suppose to even go , I don't think I can do it." She sobbed

" you got to be strong." Courtney stated.

" it's what our loco would want." Chris stated.

Ariana nodded knowing Chris was right , Erick would want them ,especially Ariana to be strong.

3 days later

Ariana was currently on her way to Erick's house. Erick's mom had said she could come by to pick up anything she wanted.

She knocked on the door and his mom opened the door. They tightly embraced each other for maybe 10 minutes.

" Chris esta aqui." She warned.

Ariana nodded in response. She made her way upstairs to Erick's room. She opened the door revealing Chris sitting on his bed crying. She closed her eyes as she took in the scent of the room ; it smelt like Erick. Her eyes began to water. Chris immediately pulled her in for a hug and they both cried.

" I'm going to give you some space , I'll be downstairs." Chris said pulling away leaving her alone.

She first went into his closet. Ariana wanted to take at least three of his hoodies with her and the boy had many.

As she was going through his things she found a box. It was labeled " the love of my life."

She pulled it out and sat on the bed with it. She opened it and gasped. It was filled with pictures of them and anything they've ever done together.

Ariana began to cry and laugh at the photos. She then came across a condom wrapper. She furrowed her eyebrows but , noticed there was a date written on it ; the day they first did it with each other.

" bellaco." She said while laughing.

For sure Ariana took the box with her and a few other things.

Ariana went back to her apartment. Joel was being a great help , most of the times he would give her the space she needed.

They were currently in bed and Joel was sleeping. Ariana tried to sleep but , she couldn't. She began to cry. Joel sat up and took her into his arms.

He kissed her head " shh , I'm here."

But , he knew it wasn't the same.

But , he knew it wasn't the same

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I lowkey feel bad for Joel but, let me just keep my mouth shut.

Anyway remember in tóxica I made you guys pick between Erick and Joel. Most of ya said Joel so that meant Joel would stay alive.

Just listen to ghostin ( up above )... bye

Also ... Camila Cabello or Emilia ( no it has nothing to do with this story)

xoxo CNCOx5

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