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Richard , Courtney , and Ariana were currently sitting the living room.

" Do you guys have plans tomorrow ?" Ariana softly asked

It's been a few days since Ariana and Joel did it.  She hasn't said a single word about it for now.

" Nope." Courtney said scrolling away on her phone.

"y tu Yashel ?" Ariana asked her brother

" nah." He shrugged

" oh okay." She replied as the room grew silent.

" We should all do something together tomorrow." Richard suggested making Ariana extremely happy.

" I'll invite Chris and Zabdiel can come." Courtney added.

" and I'll invite a friend of mine." Ariana said instantly thinking about Joel.

" We out to an amusement park ?" Richard asked his sister and cousin.

" Yes!" They both squealed and he chuckled.

Tomorrow shall be fun Ariana thought to herself.

Ariana woke up the next day and immediately got ready.

Zabdiel came over last night to sleep over and Joel should be coming over any minute now

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Zabdiel came over last night to sleep over and Joel should be coming over any minute now.

" Buenos Días Hermanita." Zabdiel smiled at Ariana

" good morning Zab." She said embracing him in a hug.

" ayo dog, get your own sister." Richard scoffed pulling his little sister in an embrace.

" eres tan celoso." Zabdiel laughed at his best friend.

" So Ari , where's your friend?" Courtney asked

Right on cue the door bell rang.

" he's here." Ariana smiled.

" He ?" The three all whispered to each other at the same time.

Ariana opened the door and there stood Joel.

" Guys , this is Joel. Joel this is my older brother Richard , my cousin Courtney , and my brother's best friend Zabdiel." The girl introduced them all.

Courtney smirked at her cousin for having such incredible taste in men.

" Hola como estás ." Zabdiel said doing some handshake with him.

" ayo what's good man." Richard said doing the same.

He then began to do a 360 around Joel. Ariana rolled her eyes. Joel gave her a confused face and she giggled.

" he's good." Richard said

" okay let's go." Ariana smiled.

Chris would be meeting up with them at the amusement park.

They all got into a car and left.

When they arrived they waited at the entrance for Chris.  This was going to be Ariana's first time seeing Chris in awhile. As they waited Joel and Ariana began to have small talk.

" he's here." Courtney said all excitedly at the view of her boyfriend. But , he wasn't alone.

" Erick!" Zabdiel exclaimed hugging him.

While Zabdiel hugged Erick , Erick's gaze was on Ariana the two were making eye contact. As she stared into those green eyes she grabbed Joel's hand. Joel gladly accepted giving her the comfort and support she needed right now.

Erick broke eye contact with her and shifted his gaze to their hands. All he could do was smirk at Joel and look away. He knew from day one this boy had something for Ariana.

" Diablo loco , I missed you." Richard said hugging him excitedly.

It wasn't  till after that hug that Richard realized the situation.

Breaking the tension and awkwardness Courtney spoke up " let's get on some roller coasters!"

" Si vamos !!" Richard and Zabdiel yelled dragging Erick with. That made Erick smile and Ariana saw causing her to smile.

After riding a ton of rides and screaming the group decided to eat.  Erick ended up sitting across from Ariana. The entire time she avoided looking up. She could feel his gaze on her. Erick didn't care if anyone caught him staring at her.

Suddenly a girl came up to the table. She was about their age.

" I'm sorry to interrupt but , your really cute." She smiled looking at Erick. " I was wondering if your single ?"

" I'm sorry but , I'm deeply in love with somebody." He replied.

That caused Ariana to finally look up at him.  The girl shrugged and left.

Eventually Ariana grabbed Joel's hand and pulled him up so they can walk away. The two ended up going to play some games.

Erick didn't know what exactly was going on between the two but , Ariana seemed genuinely happy and that's all he wanted for her.

Erick didn't know what exactly was going on between the two but , Ariana seemed genuinely happy and that's all he wanted for her

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Hey loves , please go and check out nilsy_b  Joel story.

Also this is random but , I just remembered how young Samantha is and I'm just like wow , that's why everyone be In Chris' lane.

Thank goodness Wattpad got it's self together because the way I was not about to update. If it happens again just know , no update.

xoxo CNCOx5

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