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It's been a week since the break up and Ariana is doing slightly better. That day she vented to Joel and it made her feel a little better. She simply needed someone new to talk to. Ariana has found herself a new friend.

On the other hand Erick was slightly struggling yet , improving. He would pass by her house so many times. Their schedule was still programmed inside of him. 

He wanted to talk to her but , he wasn't ready. Erick needed to give it time.  He's sad about what he did but, doesn't regret it. It was done out of love and to protect her from what he's doing.

Erick was content that he at least got to see her on campus and know she was okay. He would also text Richard once everyday to get an update. He made Richard promise not to tell her.

Even while being far , he wanted to protect her.

It was currently a Friday night. Ariana was up doing some work trying to distract herself , also because she hated leaving things for last minute.

Suddenly her phone vibrated , indicating she received a text.

Hey , would you like to go out for lunch tomorrow or maybe even brunch lol ?

Ariana softly smiled at the text. Joel has been an amazing friend so far and it's only been a week. She for sure wanted to get to know him better.

Sounds good :)

Great I'll pick you up at 11:45 , goodnight ,sleep well☺️.

With that Ariana finished her work and decided to pick out her outfit now instead of leaving it for last minute. This whole week she's been wearing something oversized , it was time she got cute again. Just to make herself feel somewhat good.

The next morning Ariana woke up and got herself ready.

At exactly 11:45 Joel arrived

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At exactly 11:45 Joel arrived. She said her goodbyes to her brother and cousin.

" wow , someone's not looking like a bum today." Joel commented and Ariana glared at him.

" hello to you too." She scoffed and he chuckled.

He began to drive to their destination.

They arrived at a really cute diner. The two sat a table near the window.

As they made small talk Ariana decided to record Joel and post him.

( the video she took)

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( the video she took)

She couldn't help but actually smile as she rewatched it before posting it. Joel has an incredible smile and there was no denying it. She for sure thought of him as the sweet and shy guy with a nice smile.

The two spoke about many things. Joel began to tell Ariana some stories causing her to laugh. Yes , it was the first time she had laughed since her break up.

" wow I'm actually laughing." She said

Joel smiled at her , he was glad that he was the cause of that beautiful smile. Indeed since day one Joel had felt something towards Ariana. But , he was never going to admit it to himself or her.

Eventually the laughter dialed down when Joel changed the topic.

" I know you don't want to talk about this and I'm not trying to ruin the moment. But, if we're going to be friends I want to know about you and Erick. I want to know from the beginning to end." Joel explained to the girl across from him.

Her smiled faded for a second but, then it reappeared. Of course it made her sad yet , she loved Erick so much she still smiled.

Surprisingly, she managed to tell Joel their entire love story without crying. I guess she was making progress , right ?

 I guess she was making progress , right ?

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Joel and Ariana are getting closer. How do you feel about it ? Will Erick ever reach out to Ariana ? Will they get back together ?

Also , for future smut chapters , do ya want details ? I can attempt it but , only if you guys are okay with it.

xoxo CNCOx5

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