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Ariana sat there on the floor knees to her chest. She sat there for hours, she didn't bother to get up.

Suddenly the front door opened and revealed Richard.

" Ari I'm - what happened ?!" He asked worried falling onto the ground in front of her.

She was currently shaking , her eyes stained with tears, and she sat there in state of shock.

Richard quickly picked her up and sat her on his lap on the couch.

" Hermanita , mi amor , what happened ?" He asked her softly.

That only made her start to cry once again. Ariana then looked into her bother's eyes. 

" E-Erick broke up with me." She croaked.

Richard became tense , he felt the anger building up in his body.  But , he then relaxed , he knows going to Erick would be something Ari wouldn't want.

" I'm sorry." was all he could say to her. He just held her in his arms as she cried some more.

Even Richard was sad , he really liked Erick. He saw him as a little brother.

The next morning Ariana woke up for class. She threw on a tee and some sweats. Clearly , she didn't bother trying. Her appearance didn't matter to her. She made her way into the kitchen where Richard and Courtney stood. Richard had told Courtney everything. The two of them softly smiled at her but, she didn't return the favor. Ariana just stared at them blankly.

She ate a bit of breakfast and then left.

When she arrived she sat in her normal seat. Other students began to arrived. Ariana was on the look out for Erick , at least she'll get to see him.

Literally a minute before the class was about to begin , he walked in. He wore a hoodie and seats yet , still looked so handsome to her. His eyes were bloodshot red and puffy. Probably from either crying or getting high or simply both.

Ariana wanted nothing more than to walk to to him and hug him. She wanted to kiss him over and over. She wanted to looked into those green eyes and hear him say how much he loves her.

She felt empty without him and she was wondering if he felt the same.

Erick took a seat at the back of the room. It wasn't the best but, he had a view of Ariana. He spent the entire time looking at her.

After class Ariana walked out to the parking lot. She spotted Erick's car and slightly smiled. All the memories and adventures they shared in that car. She quickly shrugged it all off and got into her own.

She drove off to her and Erick's spot. There was this cute cafe they would always go to. They would order their drinks and sit down. Sometimes they spent hours just talking as if they didn't already do that enough.

When she walked in , she went straight to order. Instead of ordering her usual drink , she ordered Erick's. She then sat down at the table they would usually sit in. That's when she lost it.

As she drank she silently began to sob. She attempted to wipe them all way but , more would just run down her cheeks.

" Hey are you okay ?" She looked up and saw the boy. What was his name ? Joel ?

" yes I'm fine." She said quickly wiping away her tears.

" no your not , look my shift ends in five. If you want we can talk." Joel stated

" so you work here ?" Ariana asked

" yes I do and do you accept my offer?" He asked back.

She slightly nodded and waited for him.


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Joel finally makes his appearance again and is here to stay. What do you think will happen ? How are you feeling about Eriana's break up ?

Okay but like , why is Joel so cute ?!

xoxo CNCOx5

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