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It's already been a month and Ariana has been doing a whole lot better. Well , she has Erick by her side. At times it gets tough but , he appears. He tries his best to appear to her daily. Erick doesn't appear when she's around people.

It's been a month since Ariana and Joel haven't been intimate. She told him she wanted to wait a bit. They would kiss of course but , not have sex. Joel was just glad she was doing better.

Joel reminded Ariana so much of Erick; he was so understanding.

Ariana and Joel decided to go on a date tonight. Spend sometime alone together. They decided to walk since all the restaurants and other things weren't to far from their apartment.

They were currently walking back to their apartment hand in hand.

" Oooo , babe can we get ice cream?" Ariana asked Joel like a little kid.

Joel and Ariana still aren't anything official by the way.

" sure." He chuckled, he gave her anything she wanted. He loves to see her happy.

" yay." She said letting go of his hand and skipping into the ice cream parlor.

Joel just laughed to himself.

When they arrived back home they decided to cuddle and watch some movies.

As they were watching the movie Joel began to admire her. Ariana could feel him staring, she looked up at him and smiled.

Joel then placed his lips on hers. He kissed her delicately and she kissed him the same way back.

As they kissed his hands swiftly made their way to the button of her jeans. He unbuttoned them and pulled down the zipper. Joel suddenly then came to his senses and pulled away.

" shit , I'm sorry." He apologized to the girl.

Joel craves every inch of her. He wants to feel her skin with nothing in between them not even clothing.

" shh , you don't need to apologize.  I'm ready and I want it." She said to him.

" are you sure ?" He asked and she nodded.

" ahh!" He exclaimed picking her up and she squealed as he ran into their bedroom.

Joel was already deep inside of her. Her moans filled up the entire room. They both forgot how great this felt.

Suddenly Erick appeared , he had a smirk on his face. Ariana's eyes widen.

" Miss me ?" He asked in amusement as he watched
the two have sex.

Ariana wanted to reply to Erick but a loud moan came out instead.

" shit." Joel groaned.

" Remember when you would scream like that for me?" Erick asked

" mmm" Ariana moaned out her eyes now closing.

" nobody could replace me and you know that." The Cuban said with a smirk.

" E-Erick." The girl moaned out.

"what ?!" Joel said instantly pulling out.

" I - um ." Ariana stuttered out.

Joel got dressed and left. He was frustrated.

" Look what you did !" Ariana shouted at Erick.

It was her first time mad at him and he wasn't even alive. 


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Erick's being a tad bit mean or no ?

I had to make this video a gif  because it makes me laugh every time.

ghostin is #15 in Arianagrande

You guys literally fed me yesterday , I wasn't updating but you guys were. My hearts.

Also , today has been a year since I saw the boys at six flags.
xoxo CNCOx5

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