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Last night , Courtney and Ariana decided it was best that Erick and Zabdiel stayed over instead of helping them into their own houses.

Chris had offered to take Erick and Ariana quickly objected. All they needed was Chris's help with the guys. Once they got them settled they asked him to leave.

Ariana watched as Erick snuggled into her sheets and she smiled at the sight.

How can one look this cute while sleeping and drunk ? She thought to herself. She then laughed to herself knowing the way he would react when he woke up in the morning.

Ariana snuggled into him and wrapped his arm around her. He quickly adjusted which made her smile and just like that she fell asleep.

" ugh." Erick groaned the next morning trying to sit up in Ariana's bed. Ariana giggled at his facials expressions.

" I need food and pain killers." He said getting up and walking into his girlfriend's bathroom.

Ariana waited for him to finish before walking downstairs into the kitchen with him. In the kitchen sat a hungover Richard while Courtney cooked.

" someone had fun." Erick slightly laughed at the hickeys on Richard's neck.

" a little too much fun , I don't even remember." Richard replied.

Suddenly they heard footsteps coming down the stairs. In walked a grumpy Zabdiel, they all became frightened.

" por qué me dejan hacer esa mierda?" Zabdiel questioned the four in front of him , referring to them letting him drink.

" carajo , me duele la cabeza." He groaned while holding his head and Erick passed him the pain killers.

" I hope you all learned your lessons." Courtney said and Ariana nodded agreeing.

Erick has little to no memory about last night. He remembers the drinking but , not the smoking. It's a combination he knows he shouldn't have done but , it all felt so good to him.

Joel went home last night thinking of Ariana. No , he didn't like her or anything of that sort he was just curious as to why she was with a guy like Erick?

Joel was already seeing Erick as the guy who's cheating behind Ariana's back. Joel didn't know that this guy would do anything for this girl. Especially with their 5 year anniversary coming up. The couple was just getting stronger and stronger.

But , would they last ?

But , would they last ?

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Okay so this chapter was just fluff , I'm sorry. What should Eriana do for their 5 year anniversary? Drop some ideas !

Are you guys enjoying the story so far ? Trust me it's slow for rn but ,I'll get to the drama.

xoxo CNCOx5

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