Chapter One

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I was sitting alone in a secluded section of the campus library buried nose deep into a book as I researched for a paper that was due on Monday. It was on Thursday and I had made my way there immediately after class to get the assignment over and done with. I was very good at procrastinating until the due date and had decided to get it done quickly so that I could have all weekend to party, get drunk, get high, treat the hangovers before repeating the process.

I clicked my nails repeatedly in the same pattern on the table as I flipped through the pages with my other hand. Don't get me wrong, I was not a nerd or anything like that. I just liked doing well in my studies which included cutting time off my day to do some reading. I also had a lot of pressure from my family to do good in my studies so it's not like I had a choice.

My eldest sister Zawadi was a lawyer working in one of the biggest law firms in the country. She was thirty years old and very successful in her field. Then there was Kendi who twenty five years old and a social media sensation who had a very successful YouTube page and over two million followers on Instagram. It was hard living in their shadows that's why I never used my real name on any social media outlet. I wanted my own private life that wasn't influenced by my successful sister or my famous sister.

I was the last born of three at twenty one years old and in my last year of campus working very hard to get a first class bachelor's degree in Psychology at Mount Kenya University. It was a very hard course but I had a passion in it and besides I only had to stick out for a few more months then I would graduate.

Now if only I could finish the assignment due so I could call it a day that would be awesome. My train of thought was interrupted by the vibrating of my phone. I would have ignored it but it was my friend Ava and if I declined her call she'd just keep calling.

"What?!" I whisper yelled at her.

"Sheesh sorry. I know you're in the library and all but can you at least try to be nice." She said.

"What do you want Ava I'm busy?" I asked.

"Okay fine grouchy pants. I want you to accompany me to a rugby game this afternoon." She requested.

"No!" I replied without even thinking about it.

She knew I hated sports and the rugby field was on the other side of campus from the library.

"Please. I have a crush on this guy who is on the team and I want to see him play." She pleaded.

"Still no Ava." I replied.

"There's a party afterwards and I hear there is keg." She said tempting me.

"Tempting but no. There are parties much closer to campus that I don't have to sit through a whole rugby game for." I explained.

"You are so difficult." Ava said groaning.

"I know." I replied smugly.

"Okay how about this. I'll bring you a burger and those meat balls you like." She bargained.

"Why are you so insistent on me coming with you? I'm sure you have other friends who don't need as much persuading." I asked.

"Because I like you best and I want another person who doesn't know anything about rugby there with me. I don't want to stick out." She explained.

"Wouldn't you be safer going with someone who actually knows something about rugby?" I asked.

"Please Nia, please." She pleaded.

"Throw in two cans of Smirnoff Ice and I'm in." I said finally giving in.

Ava wouldn't give up until I agreed so better save us both the time and energy and just accept. Looks like I was going to a rugby match. Huge men chasing after an egg shaped ball getting all muddy and sweaty. That wouldn't be so bad. Then there was the kegger party afterwards. Best way to end a long ass week.

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