Chapter Eleven

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I stirred from my sleep when I felt someone or something touch my face. I blinked my eyes open peering carefully. The first thing I noticed was that it was nightfall already. I must have dozed off because I remember still seeing daylight. Gabriel was looking at me with his hand on my cheek. He noticed that I was awake and sat back on his seat.

"Are we there yet? What time is it?" I asked stretching.

I noticed Gabriel's eyes widen before he looked away. I noticed that more than half my boobs had peeked out when I raised my hands. I smirked at that. It's about time I got Gabriel back for how he always affected me. I would have to go easy on him though. Don't want him running off or rejecting me like last time.

"Yes we are and its a a few minutes past seven. You've been asleep for an hour or so." He replied smiling at me and I smiled back.

We had spent the whole trip here talking and getting to known each other. I learnt that Gabriel was the second born in a family of three. All boys. His elder brother was in the army and he had a wife and daughter. His younger brother was in his second year at the university studying to be an Architect. You already know what his mother does for a living and his father was a tycoon who owned different types of business all over the country. It explained a lot as to why this boy was clearly loaded. I mean the car, the motorbike, the lavish place he had back at school and how he always spoiled his friends. He had no money problems and I liked that he wasn't proud or selfish. He was actually kind and down to earth. Gabriel was becoming less and less of a mystery to me.

"So what now?" I asked looking at him.

"It's late and we are both tired from the long trip. So how about we get to our place, take a shower, order some room service and call it a night. We can start the real fun in the morning." He explained.

"You said our which means one. We are sharing a room?" I asked holding back the squeals of delight by trying to sound a little shocked.

"Yeah I only have one reservation. If your not comfortable with it I'm sure we can get you your own place. I don't want to force you into anything."He explained.

"I'm okay with it but are you?" I asked him.

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" He asked that last part sounding a little nervous.

"Okay Saint Gabriel we'll see how okay you are with this." I said with a wink getting out of the car to stretch and look around.

This place was beautiful. There was stars in the clear sky for as far as I could see. It was also pretty silent compared to the noise of the city. We were parked at the parking lot besides the entrance of the reception. It was designed nicely to resemble a sort of tree house with beautiful lights all over and a wooden sign that said "Salama Safaris" at the top.

Gabriel got our luggage out and I followed him inside. It was even better looking on the inside. It resembled a modern wilderness inside with walls decorated with real flowers that attached themselves to the wood and bloomed different types of flowers. There weren't many people here so I assumed this was just for receiving guests. The room wasn't even that big.

I didn't know what to do so I just stood aside and let Gabriel do all the talking. He came back after a few minutes.

"Let's go." He said picking up our luggage again.

"To where?" I asked following him.

"Our quarters."

"How do you know where they are? Aren't there supposed to be people who take us to our room."

"I know where they are because I asked for directions and if you look carefully you'll see there are signs clearly indicating where everything is. And to answer your second question, yes there are people assigned to lead guests to their rooms but I'm not exactly a guest here and there are people who need more help than me." He explained and I just hummed in reply.

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