Chapter Two

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Twenty minutes later I arrived at the rugby field to find it packed with both players and spectators. The players were running a few drills before the game and all those who came to watch were littered around the field in groups talking. I was about to grab my phone to call Ava when it rang.

"Where are you? The game is almost starting!" She yelled.

"First of all don't shout at me and second I'm already here but there's too many people so I can't see you." I replied.

"Oh sorry. I'm at the left side of the field under the huge tree with the purple flowers." She explained.

"It's called a jacaranda tree and I see it. I'm coming."I replied after spotting the tree.

"Okay smart ass."She retorted.

I hang up and looked at the tree. It was all the way across the field from where I was standing. I had two choices, either walk around the field to get to her or walk through the field where the players were practicing. It was a real gamble and me being the dare devil I am walked past the barrier separating the players and the spectators and into the field.

I strutted like a model on a runway not caring that practically everyone was staring at me wondering who the crazy girl was. I wasn't crazy just lazy and didn't want to walk all the way round. I noticed that the players from our school's team had stopped their drills and were all staring at me.

"Hey boys. Good luck today. I'm rooting for you." I said when I passed them.

I heard a few curses from the players and I smiled at myself.

Nia you crazy girl.

Having saved myself the long walk around I arrived toward where Ava was in no time.

She was seated on a Maasai print shuka surrounded with the food she had promised and my drinks. I dropped next to her and leaned my back against the tree taking off my sun glasses.

Ava was a light skinned beauty who had big beautiful brown eyes, long dark hair and a slim petite figure. She was 5'3 and looked innocent but she was almost as crazy as I was but she did it on the down low because her dad was some big shot politician. She had to be the perfect daughter but always broke the rules. We were the perfect pair.

"That was very daring Nia. I'm not shocked though. Only you can do something as crazy and stupid as that." Ava commented.

"I'll take that as a compliment." I said with a wink grabbing one of the cans, popping it open and draining it in one go.

"Take it easy. It's the middle of the afternoon you don't want to get drunk yet." Ava warned.

"These cans have so little alcohol content they are basically soda and I need to be a little tipsy to get through this game. How long is it again?" I asked.

"Roughly one and a half hours give or take." She said.

"Oh my, I'm gonna need this." I said taking the second can and draining it too.

Now that I had that in my system I would be okay or at least try to be. Ava passed me my food and I dug in. I was really hungry having had nothing since supper last night. I had been late waking up in the morning and since I didn't want to be late for class I had to miss breakfast.

"So who's the guy you've dragged me here to watch?" I asked eyeing the players.

"Him the captain."She said pointing to a tall, dark muscular guy running across the field.

I could she why she had a crush on him. He was tall around 6'0 with dark chocolate skin and was well built.

"He's some eye candy alright." I said looking at the other players.

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