Chapter Three

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I was woken up by the sound of loud music. Who the fuck plays loud music so early in the morning?Assuming it was morning. Was it? What time is it even?And where the hell was I? I struggled to keep my eyes open but the migraine I was experiencing from last night was hitting me pretty hard. When I managed to get my eyes fully open I realized that I was in an unfamiliar room. The lights were off but there was enough light from the hallway that I could make out my surroundings. I didn't even remember getting here. On investigating further I realized that I was still fully dressed minus my shoes. I struggled to sit up on the bed holding my pounding head in one had.

I felt someone move next to me and if it were any other person they would have screamed bloody murder. But this was me we're talking about. I had been in this situation more times than I could count. The so called body moved revealing their face from under the covers and I recognized him from the party. I couldn't remember his name clearly which wasn't a shock but I knew we hadn't done anything. I was fully dressed as was he and I didn't hurt anywhere or feel sore.

I looked around for my phone and found it on the bedside table. I unlocked it to find that it was five am in the morning. Who plays music at five am? Since I wasn't going to go back to sleep I decided to just leave anyway. I swung my legs off the bed and stepped on the carpeted floor. My eyes had adjusted a little to the dark so it was no stress finding my shoes with a little help from the light on my phone and putting them on. I don't remember having a jacket so I grabbed my keys that had been next to my phone and his too. I needed to unlock the door didn't I?

He stirred again and I gave him one last look. What kind of guy sleeps all night with a drunk girl and doesn't at least try to get her naked? Deciding to just leave it be since I would never see him again I got up from the bed and headed to where I assumed the door was. Thankfully I guessed right but a picture next to the wall caught my attention. It was of two guys dressed in sports gear holding a rugby ball.

When I saw them together everything from yesterday that was missing from my memories came flooding back. The game, the after party, me getting super drunk and finally getting rejected by Mr Teddy bear before he carried my drunk self up here to sleep it off. Why had he carried me up here though? He should have just left me to find someone to scratch my itch with. Guess I'd never know.

See you never Mr Teddy bear, I thought to myself as I opened the door and left the room. I locked the door behind me and tossed the keys back into the room from the little space under the door. Thankfully the hallway was well lit and I found the staircase pretty easily. The party hall still had a few people sleeping on the floor and any other available surface like the tables. I got out quickly and headed home. It wasn't far, just a five minute walk so that was a plus.

I had done the walk of shame so many times that it had stopped bothering me. There weren't many people on the road and those who were awake were headed to work or about their business so they didn't pay mind to me. The morning cold was getting to me so I rubbed my palms against my bare arms and quickened my pace.

I arrived in front of my building in no time. I knocked on the gate since it was still too early for it to be opened and our gate keeper Oba opened it for me.

"Mrembo sasa?" He greeted.

Hello beautiful.

"Poa sana Oba. Habari ya asubuhi." I replied.

Hello Oba. How's your morning?

"Iko poa labda yako."

It's okay, how about yours?

"Mimi niko tu poa. Si tuonane baadaye. Asanti kwa kunifungulia."

I'm okay. See you later and thanks for opening the gate for me.

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