Chapter Twenty Seven

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I swear people have something against me getting some sleep. Either it was the stupid alarm, Ava calling or like right now the fucking door. I threw the covers off me punching the pillow a few times before getting off the bed, putting on my fuzzy slippers and walking out of my room. It was the day after my birthday and I was exhausted. We had stayed up almost all night before everyone left at dawn leaving me to clean up their mess. Gabriel had offered to stay but Vincent needed a ride home after his car refused to start so we reluctantly said goodbye. I had cleaned everything up for three hours straight before taking a shower and falling on my bed to get some much needed sleep. I saw on the clock in my living room that it was only two in the afternoon. I had only been asleep for a few hours and someone was already here to nag me.

My gifts were still in the living room unopened. I'd get to them later. The person knocked again just as I turned the knob. I yanked the door open with an angry face. Gabriel was standing on the other side of the door with an innocent smile on his face. It was great seeing him but I didn't have the energy to show it.

"Gabriel I'm too tired right now." I groaned leaning against the door.

"Is that my T-shirt?" He asked with a smirk eyeing my sleeping attire closely.

He was referring to the T-shirt he had given me that day at the hospital. I wore it to bed a lot now.

"Why you want it back?" I asked raising a questioning eyebrow.

"No keep it. You always had a fondness for my clothes."

"All girls prefer their boyfriends clothes don't feel so special." I replied rolling my eyes.

"But I'm not your boyfriend." He said his voice getting sad.

That statement made me sad too. It hit me like a brick that he was right. We weren't together anymore . I had to change the topic quick before I became and emotional mess.

"What do you want Gabriel? As you can see you woke me up." I asked.

"I came to see you and see if you needed help cleaning up." He replied.

"I already did that after you guys left. Took me only three hours but whatever." I said brushing it off as if it wasn't a big deal but it really was.

"Oh okay. I'll be going now." He said and with a sad look he turned to leave.

I didn't want him to go.

"You're welcome to stay but I won't be much company. I'm still pretty beat." I called out to him and he turned to me with a smile.

"It's okay I'd be happy to stay." He replied too quickly and I chuckled at his enthusiasm as I stepped aside to let him in.

He took off his shoes by the door and hang his leather jacket on the hanger before he walked in. It took me a few seconds to realize what was happening. Gabriel was in my home. I know he was here yesterday but everyone else was here too. Now it was just me and him. What would happen? There was a lot of options to that but how much of it was I ready for. I guess I was about to find out.

Gabriel made himself comfortable in the biggest sofa I had that faced the TV. I sat next to him making sure to maintain some distance between us. I looked at him from the corner of my eye admiring how good he looked. He was wearing blue rugged jeans and a black sweater that hugged his torso and arms perfectly. He looked fine with a capital F.

"You're home is beautiful." Gabriel complimented when we sat in awkward silence for a few minutes.

"Thank you. It's all thanks to Kendi. She did an amazing job." I replied.

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