Chapter Twenty Six

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Ava and I were having our nails done after spending some time on the massage table. Yes today I was officially twenty five. I didn't feel any different but I knew I was getting older. I had lived my campus life to the fullest, I had a successful career and had enjoyed being single and having time to myself as a single person. Why do I keep saying single? Anyway, maybe it was now time to find myself a man, settle down and have some kids. A husband and kids to make my own little family didn't sound so bad. Too bad the man I pictured myself doing all this with was already taken.

I couldn't stop thinking about my last encounter with Gabriel. It was still bothering me that I didn't know who that woman was. I could have stalked her on social media but I really didn't want to find out. I hated her enough without knowing she was a model with a private jet and daddy's money. I also felt really bad loosing my ring. I had grown attached to it and now it was back with Gabriel. I know I still had the helmet but I couldn't take that with me everywhere and it didn't hold as much value as the ring did. The ring to me was a promise of a future with Gabriel. Now that I didn't have it anymore and it was back with him, did it mean there was no hope anymore?

This is such a headache, I thought today would relax me but it clearly didn't and I was going crazy.

"Hey you okay?" Ava asked looking at me with a worried face.

I was going to tell her about my encounter with Gabriel but she would make a big deal out of it and I was already doing that myself without any help.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just not excited about growing older." I whined and she laughed it off.

Good job brushing it off Nia. Subtle and effective.

"I don't know why you're complaining. You're the baby of the group." She replied.

"Yeah true you're all grandmas and grandpas already." I replied and we laughed it off.

I decided to just relax clear my mind and enjoy my birthday. It's not everyone who lives long enough to celebrate their birthday. I should be grateful and thank the heavens for another beautiful year.

"Since we can't go clubbing due to the whale of a best friend you have why don't we go to your place and binge watch dirty movies." Ava said wriggling her eyebrows as we got into the car.

"If we were going to my place why did you make me dress up?" I asked pointing out my attire.

I was wearing a short long sleeved blue dress that hugged my torso and flared out from the waist down to reach my mid thighs and it was backless. I wore black heels and my hair was done into beautiful cornrows that twisted out at the back after being pampered the whole morning and part of the afternoon. It felt really good.

"You need to look pretty for your birthday." Ava replied with a smile as she strapped herself to the passenger seat of my car.

She looked pretty in a maxi baby pink dress and white flats. Her belly was showing and she wore it well. She made a sexy pregnant lady.

"Then why did I need this stupid flower crown?" I asked pointing at it.

I only pretended to hate it but I honestly loved it. It looked cute on me.

"How else will people know it's your birthday unless you have a crown? You stopped me from getting you the real one so wear that one." She insisted.

She had wanted to get me a real tiara but I said that was a waste of money and she had relented and gotten me this one instead.

"Okay baby mama if you say so." I replied as we drove back to my place.

We got there forty five minutes later and it was around three in the afternoon. We took the elevator to my floor because I was wearing heels, we had too many shopping bags from our shopping spree this morning and I had a pregnant lady besides me who even though she knew she needed the exercise hated using stairs.

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