Chapter Fourteen

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It was out last day at the resort and honestly I didn't want to leave. I woke up five minutes ago and I just lay still spooned in Gabriel's embrace enjoying the morning sun peeping through the windows and the perfect quiet of the morning. I was going to miss this place and I hoped Gabriel would bring me back some day. Was that me actually planning a future with a man in it. No it couldn't be but deep down I knew I was. Gabriel was worming himself into the heart that I didn't know what capable of loving anyone other than my family. It was freaking me out but yet I also welcomed the strange feeling. One thing I knew was if there was anyone in this world who could change my view of men and love it would be this handsome devil lying next to me.

Speaking of, I turned around slowly to face him. He looked even more handsome asleep and I couldn't help but trace my hands over his face. The covers had dropped to our waists but I wasn't cold dressed in nothing else but a T-shirt I stole from Gabriel's suitcase last night. He was only wearing a pair of boxers which allowed me to feast properly over his well built body with my eyes. He shifted a little and I noticed ink on the side of his body under his left arm. It was written in Spanish I think, I wasn't really sure my Spanish only limited to movies I was into. It said " mi familia" which I interpreted as My Family. It was drawn in such a way that the name seemed to rest on a bed of roses, as the thorns of the rose grew productively over the name. It was a very creative design and I liked how it interpreted. Gabriel would always protect his family like how the thorns of the rose protects anyone from picking the delicate petals. It was very beautiful and touching.

I wondered where his other tattoo was and if it was as thoughtful as this one. I traced the roses petals with my fingers and I heard Gabriel moan in his sleep. That moan sent tingles all over my body making parts of me come alive. I did it again and he moaned more. Looks like someone was sensitive. Feeling very daring and brave at the moment I trailed my hand from his side down to his waist. I slid my hand under the band of his boxers and gripped his hard morning wood into my warm hand. Gabriel's eyes shot open at the sensation but then rolled to the back of his head when I tugged.

"Mmmh that feels so good." He moaned and I couldn't hold back any longer.

It's like he unleashed the sexual beast hibernating inside me and she wanted her way out and I allowed her. With a little bit of struggle I rolled Gabriel over and straddled him. I began kissing him from the neck down. I traced all the hard ridges of his body with my tongue and free hand and watching Gabriel become a moaning mess under my touch. I had heard that guys nipples were as sensitive as ours and I was just about to find out. I kissed his nipple and heard him groan softly. Urged on by the noises he was making I put it in my mouth before I sucked and tugged on it.

"Fuck!" Gabriel shouted and I knew I had achieved my goal.

I let his nipple and did the same to the other one getting an more intense reaction from him before I continued kissing his delectable body.

I had had sex many times or a couple of times, I don't really know because I never remembered any of them. All the times I ever had sex I had been wasted but this time I was very much sobber and planning on enjoying it. I've never pleasured a man in my life but right now I planned on driving Gabriel crazy with all the pleasure I could provide him with.

I traced the contours of his abs with my tongue and made sure to leave love bites all over his stomach. My hand never stopped pumping his dick feeling precum drip from the mushroomed head. Getting down to the V leading to the happy trail disappearing inside his boxers. I bit the sensitive skin there and sucked making Gabriel tug his hips up.

That's it baby. I'm just getting started.

Having tortured him enough I pulled his boxers down with my hands making his huge member pop out and land on his stomach. Gabriel helped me take his boxers all the way off. Someone was eager. I then took my time to admire the angry rod leaking on his stomach. He was really huge, bigger than I've ever seen in real life. He was very well endowed and I couldn't wait to have him in me filling me in all ways possible.

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