Chapter Nineteen

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I was finally done with my last paper and I couldn't wait to celebrate. Goodbye campus life. See you never. I thought to myself as I entered my apartment building and ascended the stairs. I was so happy I almost ran through whoever was coming down. When I saw who it was I wish I had passed through her so she could fall, break her neck and die. Harsh, I know but she deserved it.

"Hello man stealer. What are you doing here? Need another beating?" I sneered at her.

"You do have a way with words don't you?" She asked smirking and I almost punched it right off her face but I held back.

I didn't want to ruin my knuckles. It took them long enough to heal last time and they hurt like a bitch. So worth it though.

"I have a way with my fist too but you already know that don't you?" I asked her smiling sarcastically making her smirk drop. Thought so.

"Well I was actually here to see Gabriel and apologize for last time but he wouldn't see me and that prick Vincent slammed the door in my face." She huffed and my smile grew bigger.

Thank you Vincent. Everyone from our little circle knew of my scuffle with little miss sundress here. They even loved my very not so colourful nicknames for her. Ava promised to help me beat her up next time and the boys promised to help me hide her dead body. I love my friends.

"I told you to stay away." I warned.

"Well I had nothing to loose. And besides I know you guys won't last. You're just an itch he needs to scratch before he actually starts dating someone who is good for him." She informed me with another one of her innocent smiles.

I smiled back and got into her face"Let me guess. You are the good one for him." I whispered staring directly into her eyes.

She tried maintain eye contact but failed and looked away.

"Of course I am." She replied.

"Bad news miss fake perfection he is into me and this bad girl here has been scratching his itch as you call it for the past three months and I don't plan to stop." I informed her pointing at myself before knocking my shoulder against hers making her stumble backwards as I continued my way up.

"You will never be good for him. He deserves someone good who doesn't sleep with a different man each weekend and drinks herself to alcohol poisoning." She yelled at me.

"Yeah whatever you stupid man stealer." I yelled at her.

Where did she get to know about my alcohol poisoning? Gabriel? The guys? I didn't care anyways. I had outgrown that phase of drinking myself to a stupor. I mean I still drunk alcohol but not to get shitfaced but just for the fun of it.

I heard her huff before she continued walking down the stairs. As much as I tried to be unaffected by her words I couldn't help but think about what she had said. Was I bad for Gabriel? I mean in a term I was kind of a slut but I had changed as soon as I laid my eyes on him. I hadn't even thought of cheating on him or ever being with another guy ever since I started dating him. But could I commit my whole life to him? Would I be able to love him like he loved me? Would I ever reciprocate his feelings?

Gabriel clearly had deep feelings for me. I could see it in his eyes every time he looked at me. He had this face whenever he saw me and all the little things he did for me just proved how deep his feelings were for me. He looked at me like I was the most precious thing in the world for.

I knew I had feelings for him too but were they that strong. Could I give Gabriel what he needed? Love. I knew he wanted more from our relationship but was I ready. More important could I give him what he wanted? Forever.

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