Chapter Five

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I hated Mondays with every fiber of my being. It meant the end of a beautiful weekend and the start of a long tiring week. Why couldn't weekends be longer than weekdays? Now that would be something to celebrate.

I stood in front of my wardrobe dressed in my white lace panties and matching bra as I decided on what to wear. I had two classes and a group study session later so I would be back late. Not feeling like exposing much skin I finally settled on an outfit. I put on an off shoulder long sleeved navy top and camouflage dungaree over it. I picked out a pair of socks and put on some brown heeled boots. I put on a few bracelets and two chocker necklaces.

I then went back into the bathroom and put on my make up. Some mascara, eyeliner and lipstick would suffice. Letting my hair free from the bun holding it together it fell over my face and I parted it into two at the middle and let the braids fall loose over either side of my face. Looking myself on the full length mirror of my wardrobe I decided I was good to go. I grabbed my warm fluffy jacket since it was cold outside and put it on. Getting my phone, keys, earphones and two bars of chocolate from my stash I left me room.

I closed the door behind me and walked downstairs to the cafeteria. I had already had my breakfast but I needed coffee. Thankfully it was ready and I didn't have to wait. I had to pass by the library to get my bag and I was already running behind schedule.

I didn't even have to tell Nancy anything. She handed me my coffee in my travel mug and some cookies they had baked that morning . I would snack on those later. I paid up and left the building. It would be my first time leaving the compound since Friday morning and it had to be one of the most low key weekends I have ever had. It wasn't that bad though because I had found a bottle of Vodka in my kitchen yesterday and gotten drunk while listening to music and smoking weed. It was a great Sunday.

I found Oba opening the gate for someone who was riding a sportsbike to leave. It was a beautiful black and white Yamaha motorcycle and it was sexy as fuck. I had always wanted to ride on one of those. I didn't even know someone in the building had one. Well good for them because I needed to get to class. Just as I walked past them trying not to make it too obvious that I had been staring blatantly at the motorcycle, the rider greeted me.

"Good morning Miss Daring."

I turned and saw that the rider was Gabriel. He had pulled up the helmets visor so I could now see his face. Good boy Gabriel rode a freaking motorcycle. Who would have thought? He was dressed in a black T-shirt,black jeans, black boots and a black leather jacket. He had the whole bad boy look going for him but his cute baby face betrayed him. Cute. Stop that Nia. We said we have to stop thinking that way about it. I mentally scolded myself.

"I should start collecting money for each time someone calls me that." I replied.

"It does suit you though. So want a ride to class?" He asked.

His statement took me by surprise. Where did the shy nervous Gabriel go? This man right here looked cool and confident.

"Since when did you become so confident around me?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow in question.

That seemed to do the trick because I saw Gabriel look shy for a second as his gaze suddenly dropped to the ground. He snapped out it really quickly though and looked back at my face.

"Gave myself a pep talk in the mirror this morning. I'm not usually this way around women but you have this aura that fries my brain whenever I'm around you." He explained.

Then he realized what he had just said and looked away from me again. This boy was gonna be the end of me with his cuteness. I knew I had a certain vibe to me but seeing Gabriel showed me how I affected people. I was sure he would get over it though as soon as he saw this was all just a face I wore to keep most people away.

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