Chapter Twenty Eight

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As I sat at the front steps of my building waiting for Gabriel to arrive I couldn't help but smile at all the memories we had made the past two months. It had been amazing getting reacquainted with each other all over again. We were closer than ever and hadn't stopped fucking like rabbits whenever we were alone. It was good to know that the chemistry was still there but I don't think it could ever disappear with Gabriel always looking like a snack.

Today he had asked me to dress nice but casual and comfortable enough to ride on his motorcycle. He was taking me on a date. That wasn't weird for us going on dates but he always picked me up in his car or we met at the venue. I wonder what he was up to.

I held my still new looking helmet on my lap as I absentmindedly traced the designs. I was dressed in dark skinny jeans, a grey hoodie with a jean jacket on top with some checkered sneakers and black socks. My hair was in a neat ponytail and my make up was simple and smudge proof considering I would be wearing a helmet.

The familiar roar of a motorcycle engine had me look up and a smile graced my lips once I saw my man approaching. I knew Gabriel had bought a new motorcycle but I didn't know it was this gorgeous. His previous machine was a black and white Yamaha sports bike. The one he was riding now was all black with hints of green. Don't ask me the model because I honestly don't know. It was just bigger and better and I liked it. He stopped right in front of me before taking off his helmet and flashing me his signature smile that I loved so much.

"Hey sexy lady." He greeted.

"Hello there handsome. Here to pick anyone up?" I asked teasingly standing up.

"Yeah my very beautiful girlfriend, oh and here she is." He said before looping his hand around my waist and pulling me in for a kiss.

My free arms went around his neck as I kissed him back. He tasted minty and sweet, a combination I approved of very much.

"Have you been waiting long?" He asked when we pulled apart.

"Nope. I was just early, wanted to catch some fresh air. I've been couped up in the office all day." I replied admiring his perfectly sculptured face. I still couldn't believe that this man was all mine with all his perfection.

It was on a Saturday but I had decided to go to work seeing as nobody was free to hang out with me and I didn't feel like being alone in my apartment all day doing nothing.

"I had a long day too but it's all better now that I've see you." He complimented with a cheesy smile and I pecked him with a shy smile of my own. Isn't he such a smooth talker?

"So where are you taking me this fine evening?" I enquired.

"We're meeting the gang for dinner. Vincent just got elected as Deputy principal and we're going to celebrate." Gabriel informed me.

"Why didn't he tell me?" I asked shocked that Vincent was able to keep such a secret from me.

That man was a blabber mouth and couldn't keep anything to himself. This was such a big deal and I was usually the first person he told these things even before his own mother who he was super close with. I'd met her by the way and she was an amazing woman who babied Vincent way too much.

"He told me he tried but couldn't get through to you." He informed me and it clicked why.

"I blocked him earlier this week because he couldn't stop sending me knock knock jokes." I explained and Gabriel laughed.

"He was sending me those too but once I threatened to make you stop talking to him for a month he stopped." Gabriel replied.

"Oh man!Why didn't I think of that?" I asked feeling a little sorry for myself.

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