Chapter Fifteen

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The door to Gabriel's room burst wide open making Gabriel sit up on the bed quickly.

"What the fuck guys?" I heard him exclaim out loud.

I didn't even move except for jolt awake when the door opened. I was buried in a mountain of blankets my face snuggled deeply into one of Gabriel's pillows.

"Gabriel! Hey man. When did you guys get back?" Vincent exclaimed .

I should have known it was them. They had no boundaries.

"Late last night. Now what are you doing here this early morning. And where did you get my keys? ?" Gabriel asked sounding very on edge.

I would be too if someone walked into my place as if they owned the place this early. Actually not this early. Anytime at all. I don't think they had noticed I was here because I was hidden by the covers and Gabriel's mountain of a body.

"I may have taken a spare from the other keys when you moved in here." Vincent admitted innocently. "In my defence these idiots told these to."

I almost laughed at that but I didn't want them to know I was here just yet. Vincent sounded like such a child telling on his elder brothers. I had missed him and the guys. Who were all silent letting Vincent take all the blame.

"Get out!" Gabriel demanded.

"What?! No we just got here and besides we won't be too loud just continue sleeping." Jackson said and I heard them pull out seats and get comfortable.

"Nope. Out out." Gabriel said getting out of bed.

When he moved the sheets covered my whole face and now it's like I wasn't even there.

"Why? Do you have a lady friend over you're hiding from us? Wait are you already cheating on Nia." Vincent asked getting all defensive and I almost aawed at how caring he was towards me and my well being.

"Of course not." Gabriel spat as if repulsed by the idea.

I should do this more often. Listen in on their conversations. It was actually pretty informative.

"Then we're going nowhere. Guys are they any drinks left in the fridge from yesterday?" Paul asked.

"You guys were here yesterday." Gabriel asked shocked and I had to put my hand over my mouth to stop the laughter from bubbling out.

"Yes we've been here everyday since you left. What?! Did you think we would die of boredom while you got it on with your girl in the middle of nowhere." And that ladies and gentlemen was Nick.

Looks like the whole gang was here. I had really missed all of them with their craziness and wild ways.

"Guys I don't want to freak you out but I swear I just saw the bed move." Vincent exclaimed and I could bet he had jumped on top of the seat scared.

To freak him out more I moved my leg a little and he screamed a little.

"What is that?" He whispered.

"Do you have a snake in there?" Jackson asked.

"Who would sleep with a snake in their bed?" Gabriel asked and he seemed like he was holding back a laugh too.

"You wouldn't know. I heard that unless you provoke it a snake would never attack and they seek warmth." Paul said inputting.

I think they watched too many movies. I mean my suitcase was still by the door where we left it last night and my shoes were somewhere in here. How could they think it was a snake and not a human being.

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