Chapter Sixteen

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Ava and I were getting ready for our night out with the guys over at my place. I was already dressed and ready to go and was helping Ava with her make up. Gabriel and I had been having sex like rabbits and I loved it. He had been right about one thing, our first time would be the only time I would complain about his size. It still took me a few moments to adjust to his size whenever we fucked but it wasn't painful.

"Look at you getting all dreamy eyed thinking about Gabriel." Ava teased.

"I'm not."

"Yes you are and stop denying it. I like it though. You have this glow about you that says in a relationship and satisfied." She said and I laughed as I shaped her eyebrows.

"Okay I admit it. I really like him and I'm having the best sex of my life with someone who likes me back. Before the thought of having sex with the same guy was repulsive but with Gabriel I cant seem to get enough." I explained.

"If I didn't know you well I'd say you were falling in love but since you hate that word I don't know what to say. Just keep doing what you're doing. It suits you." She said and I smiled.

Anything else but love. Falling in love. I quickly cast those thoughts away before I drove myself mad.

"Okay all done." I announced.

"Thank you." Ava replied appreciating her reflection on the mirror.

She was dressed in black booty shorts and a fishnet top with a black bra and ankle boots. I on the other side has decided to dress more conservatively with a white long sleeved sweatshirt tucked into a short black flare skirt that reached mid thigh and a pair of black and white old schools.

"Why are you dressed like that?" Ava asked. "It's cute but not something you would wear to the club." She mentioned.

"I have a boyfriend now." I replied and she laughed.

There was more to my outfit that I had told Ava but that was for Gabriel to discover later.

"Not words I thought I'd ever hear you say." She teased.

"Let's go before I decided to lock you in here and leave you behind." I threatened.

"You wouldn't dare." She replied grabbing her things

"Try me." I said and she stuck out her tongue at me.

I made a grab for her but she dashed outside running into her man and hiding behind him.

Lucky her. I thought to myself. I locked my door behind me and leaned on it as I took my time to devour my man with my eyes. He looked great dressed in ripped black jeans, combat boots,, a white T-shirt and his leather jacket. Yummy yum yum.

"Hey baby girl." He greeted.

"Hae papi." I greeted before he grabbed my waist and pulled me flush against him before bending down and kissed me harshly. Just how I like it.

"Get a room." Vincent protested and we pulled away from each other but I remained in his embrace.

"Get a girlfriend." Gabriel retorted and everyone laughed at him.

"Ready to go." I asked Gabriel.

"Yes but I have a surprise for you first." He said and I perked up at that. I loved gifts.

"What is it?" I asked excitedly.

Gabriel pulled his right hand that had been hidden behind him all this time in front of me to reveal a beautiful pink helmet. I couldn't help the scream of joy that bubbled up from me. I jumped up to wrap my legs and hands around Gabriel and its like he was expecting it because he caught me.

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