Chapter Twenty Five

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I had been in the waiting room for about thirty minutes holding the bloody hand to my chest. The handkerchief had turned red stained with my blood and was throbbing painfully. I had already filled out all the forms required but I still had to wait in line even if I was probably bleeding to death. This was the closest clinic I could find and it was a private one. I wonder how they could be understaffed considering I had already paid a thousand shillings just for the consultation fee.

"Miss Irungu, the doctor will see you now." The nurse announced.

Fucking finally.

I followed her and she led me into the consultation room.

"Sorry for the long wait. We are a little understaffed today. A few of our doctors went for a conference leaving us in a little dilemma." She apologized opening the door for me.

"It's okay. Just glad I can finally get this looked at." I replied and walked in.

She closed the door behind me and I looked ahead to face my doctor. I don't know if it was due to blood loss or because of the fact that I had thinking about him all day but I think I was seeing things. Standing next to the examination table looking at a chart was Gabriel looking sexy as sin in scrubs. He hadn't noticed me yet and I decided to walk back and run away from there. I knew I was going to run into him sometime because we had the same group of friends but I didn't think it would be this soon. I was definitely not ready to face him.

He looked so handsome and rugged at the same time. His hair was still short like the last time I had seen him and his face was clean shaven except for very sexy looking sideburns that ended just below his temple. He had definitely lost a lot of muscle but he was still muscular just not as before. He was biting his lower lip and he seemed to be deeply thinking about something. Oh how I had missed kissing those lips. Bad Nia. Oh yes I was getting out of here before this situation became too much to handle for my fragile heart.

Looks like luck was not on my side because as soon as I got a hold of the door handle he turned to look at me. To say he was shocked was an understatement. His eyes widened and his mouth fell open. I stood there awkwardly transfixed in place not knowing whether to continue with my escape plan or forget about it.

"Nia?" He breathed out as if not really believing it was me.

"Gabriel." I replied in a whisper his name feeling foreign on my lips. It had been so long since I had said his name.

I started feeling dizzy and I looked at my bleeding hand to see that it had gotten worse and was bleeding all over the floor and the front of my shirt was now soaked in red. Before I could say anything else I felt myself loose control of my body and I was falling to the floor. The last thing I heard before succumbing to the darkness was Gabriel shouting my name.

When I came to the first thing I noticed was the stiff bed I was lying on. I squinted my eyes opening and thankfully the light wasn't too bright. After a few blinks I could see clearly. I looked around the room and noticed that I was in a doctor's office as advertised by the medical posters on the wall and the desk and chair on one side of the room. There was a doctor's coat hanging on a hanger next to a very sleek looking leather jacket. I noticed the picture frames on the desk and when I concentrated hard enough I saw the faces clearly. There were three frames in total. One was of a huge family, another was of a very familiar group of friends and the other was of a couple embracing lovingly. One particular face stuck out, Gabriel's. Then everything came back to me and I realized where I was.

This was Gabriel's office. Oh shit. Thank God he wasn't here. I had to leave. I quickly sat up and that caused another dizzy spell and I had to lie back down. I lifted my right hand up and noticed that it was bandaged neatly. There was an IV in my left hand. That was going to be a challenge if I was going to escape. I had seen enough movies to know that I shouldn't pull that out unless I wanted blood all over me again. Speaking of blood. I wasn't wearing my blood soaked T-shirt, instead I was wearing a white T-shirt instead. It was twice my size and smelled very familiar. It was Gabriel's T-shirt. Oh Lord. Why me? He had changed me! I mean what was the big deal considering he had seen me naked but still it wasn't the same. Thankfully I was still in my jeans. I then sat up slowly to prevent another dizzy spell and swung my legs over the high bed. My shoes were next to the bed and my bag was on his desk. Now if I could just find a way to get this IV off.

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