Chapter Eight

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Ava and I were seated on the same spot we had been last time under the Jacaranda tree waiting for the game to start. I still wasn't feeling back to my normal self but all the guys had texted me if I was still coming and I didn't have the heart to say no.

I was dressed in black tights, a black tube top, a black denim jacket and white sneakers. This was the laziest I have ever dressed but I still looked sexy and stylish. Whoever thought any other way could suck it. Like Ava for instance.

"You look like shit." Ava commented.

See what I mean.

"I know because I'm actually sick you psycho." I replied.

"Oh God. So sorry. What's wrong?" She asked putting her hand on my forehead.

I don't really get why people do that. What would touching my forehead actually tell them unless they were a doctor?

"Gabriel says I may have had alcohol poisoning so I'm not allowed to drink or smoke till he gives me the clear." I explained taking her hand off my forehead.

"That's too bad. But he is a doctor so he knows what he's saying." She replied with a nod.

"He's not a doctor he's just studying to be one and how come even you know he was studying medicine and I didn't?" I asked shocked.

"Probably because knowing you, you never bothered to get to know the guy." She replied and I snorted brushing her off.

She was right though. I hadn't taken the time to actually get to know Gabriel. Spending time with him yesterday had been great. He was caring, attentive and he was a great friend. He behaved really great with the guys. The guy had taken care of me when I was sick even with the way I had spoken to him about keeping our distance. He really was one of a kind.

"So I heard you slept in his bed yesterday." Ava said wriggling her eyebrows.

"Yes and its only because I was sick. Now let's watch the game. It's starting." I said dismissively.

"Your just avoiding the topic."

"Yes I am. Now shh. I wanna watch."

"It's not a movie."

"Then pretend it is." I said with a final tone before leaning back on the tree bark to support my weight.

The boys hadn't been lying. The game was a big one because there were more people here than last time. The visiting team also looked furious and kept throwing snide comments to our team. It was getting me really angry. I even saw Gabriel hold back Paul a few times from getting physical. They would be disqualified and that would be a bummer for the whole team. I just didn't understand how Gabriel could be so calm even when someone was calling him names. I knew I didn't have that kind of patience in me.

The whistle was blown and the game began. I still didn't know shit about rugby but it was fun seeing all the boys run around all sweaty and throw each other to the ground. As I watched Gabriel play I realized why he had been so calm. That man was ruthless on the field. Like I said before rugby is kind of a violent game and Gabriel was taking violence to a whole other level. He was still playing by the rules but he was knocking people down like they weighed nothing. Seeing him play with such agility and strength was kind of a turn on for me and for once I embraced that feeling instead of pushing it away.

Look at me getting all soft towards this guy.

By the time the game ended I think Gabriel had broken a few bones. Good thing is that we won. We actually won and it was by a landslide. The guys had been amazing.

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