Chapter Seven

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Another Friday morning nursing a hangover. I was sitting at my usual table in the café leaning my head against the cold window watching the raindrops fall. I was grateful for the cold of the window pane as it relived my headache a little. I was dressed in my hangover attire as I liked to call them which included baggy sweatpants and a matching cropped hoodie. My head was still pounding. How much did I actually drink last night?

I had woken up an hour ago snuggled up in my bed to sound of the rain falling outside my window. There had been a glass of water and painkillers on my bedside table which I had drank in an instant. How did those get there? Maybe I had placed them there last night. I had dragged myself to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I was still fully dressed minus my shoes and accessories. My make up was also gone. I couldn't remember doing any of that or even how I got home. Shrugging I had undressed, put on a shower cap and gotten under the hot stream of the shower. That's when all the memories came flooding back and I slid to the bathroom floor and curled up like a ball. After coming to terms with what I had done. I just got up showered, brushed my teeth, got dressed and come down here for breakfast.

I couldn't believe that I had said and done all that with Gabriel. He had taken care of me and even paid for my uber. I think I'll die if I see him. I really didn't want to see him right now. I watched Nancy bring my breakfast before giving me a sympathetic look and walk away. I know I looked awful. This is the worst hangover I had ever had coupled with shame. I really felt like crap right now.

I grabbed my coffee and took a sip to warm me up. I had just grabbed my fork to dig into my eggs when someone say across from me. I didn't have to look up to know who it was. The smell of their cologne gave them away and so did his presence. Who wears cologne this early in the morning and on a rainy day? Maybe it was just his soap. Or whatever. I didn't care.

"Please go." I pleaded without looking up.

"No." He replied with a certain tone that I decided against arguing.

I was in too much distress to muster up the courage to find a reply. It would take up too much energy that I didn't have. I ignored him and continued having my breakfast without even looking at him. I should have known he wouldn't keep quiet.

"I came over to your place to check up on you but your room was empty so I came down here." He explained.

"How did you get in?" I asked sipping on my coffee.

"The door was unlocked." He replied and I nodded.

I wouldn't put it past me to leave the door unlocked in the state I was in.

"As you can see I look and feel like hell." I said.

"You don't look that bad to me." He said and I looked up at him with a scowl on my face to find him grinning. "At least that made you finally look at me."

"Ugh just stop smiling. It hurts seeing you so happy." I replied as I stabbed a sausage and stuffed it into my mouth.

"Why do you drink so much?" He asked.

"Not that its actually any of your business but I drink because I can and I want to." I replied feeling annoyed.

"Is it worth the pain though?" He asked.

"Who died and made you Judge?" I asked and he laughed.

We were interrupted by Nancy asking him what he wanted. I didn't even pay attention to his reply as I concentrated on filling my empty stomach. I thought back to the full Vodka bottle I had seen on my kitchen counter. I had felt like draining it in the sink but held myself back because I knew I would regret it later. Oh alcohol why sweet but cause so much pain.

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