Chapter Thirteen

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I was having a relaxing bath the next afternoon replaying all that had happened in the past twenty four hours. After the best kiss of my life miles high from the ground we had come back down and had supper. After cuddling on the sofa while watching a movie we had decided to call it a night.

Today had just been even more amazing as we had gone bungee jumping and zip lining. I swear I have never screamed as loud in my life as I had when I had jumped off a cliff and into the unknown. It had been so thrilling that I had done it twice more until they stopped me because apparently there was a limit to how many times you could bungee jump in a day. Stupid rules but it was still fun. Zip lining had also been great, another thrilling experience added to my list. We had topped off the day with swimming in a pool that was created by a natural waterfall in the vicinity. The water had been surprisingly warm and I didn't want to leave. Gabriel had to distract me by kissing me and carrying me out of there. By the time I realized we weren't in the water anymore we were climbing up the stairs to our room. We had ordered lunch and enjoyed it on the balcony. Now here I was soaking in scented hot water surrounded by suds. Gabriel had to leave for a while to pick up a phone call. He said it was from his lecturer and he couldn't ignore it. I don't know why he thought he owed me an explanation though as to who he was talking to. But it was still a nice feeling though knowing he wasn't talking to any other girls while with me. He didn't look like the type to actually do that.

The bathroom door opened revealing a shirtless Gabriel. He noticed me on the tub and went leave but I stopped him.

"Join me." I invited.

He flushed "I don't think that's such a good idea." He said scratching the back of his head.

"Why? Are you afraid I will ruin your innocence Saint Gabriel?" I asked looking at him teasingly.

"No. I'm afraid the little restraint I'm holding onto when it comes to you will snap." He replied and my eyes widened at his truth.

Gabriel was holding back. I was thrilled because it meant that all my teasing was actually working. I composed myself and scooted forward on the tub.

"Join me Gabriel and if your restraint does snap then have your way with me. I wouldn't dream of stopping you." I replied in a sultry tone.

He seemed to ponder over it for a while before he closed the bathroom door and took off his sweatpants. He was left standing in front of me wearing black boxers that made his thighs stand out. This man really was created by the heavens on a very good day. He started taking off his boxers and as much as I wanted to look I gave him his privacy and looked away. I heard some shuffling before the water rose and Gabriel settled himself behind me. Both his legs stretched on either side of my body trapping me between him. I smiled to myself before laying back in his chest.

"Is this okay?" I asked now wanting to make him anymore uncomfortable.

"Yeah. "He replied in a deeper tone than normal. He seemed tense below me and I had to find a way to ease up the tension.

"Tell me about your family. "I asked as I grabbed my glass of juice from Tim of the tub and sipped on it.

"You want to talk about my family when we're both naked in the bathtub."He asked sounding as if he was in pain.

I knew why he was in pain and a part of me was gleeful that I was the cause as clearly advertised by his hard long member lying between us.

"Yeah. Anything to make you less tense." I replied.

"Okay." He breathed out and I felt him relax a little.

I saw him hesitate for a while before he put his left arm around my chest just above boobs and hold me closer to him. This was going better than planned. I thought to myself as I grinned and relaxed more into his embrace.

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