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"If it isn't the future Mrs. Kioko." Faith, the receptionist and Gabriel's clinic greeted as soon as she spotted me walking into the oddly quiet clinic.

I came here often so I was already familiar with everyone who worked here. Faith was short, plump with brown skin, curly dark hair, a youthful face and a had tongue for gossip. Anything going on in the hospital, she knew and wasn't afraid to share it with anyone. It was all in good Faith though as she didn't do any harm sticking her nose around people's business. See what I did there with her name? No? Never mind.

"Sasa Faith, habari yako?" I greeted.

Hello Faith, how are you? "

"Mimi niko poa labda wewe."She replied with a smile.

I'm good. How about you?

"Niko poa pia. Nimekuja kuona daktari." I requested.

I'm good too. I'm here to see the doctor.

"Mbona unaniuliza ni kama haujui ofisi yake."She asked in a teasing tone.

Why are you asking me as if you don't already know where his office is.

"Hakuna dakatari mwingine ako available. Nataka kuangaliwa."I asked her.

Isn't there anyone else available? I need a check up.

"Aii kwa nini sio bwanako? "Faith asked clearly shocked that I wanted to see anyone else but Gabriel.

Why not just see your husband?

Faith wouldn't get me any help with the sensitive issue that I needed handled without getting Gabriel involved.

"Ni sawa acha nikamuone."I said excusing myself.

It's okay let me go see him.

"Bye."She said waving at me with a smile which I made sure to return.

I knew Gabriel was on duty right now so I avoided his office and walked the opposite way. I didn't want to deal with him right now until I confirmed my suspicions. I looked around until I found a doctor's office I was familiar with who would treat me with care and respect. I loved Gabriel and I respected his work but some of the people he hired especially the nurses were mean, rude and gossips. A few doctors fell into that category seeing as they loved to tease me and hit on me whenever Gabriel wasn't around or paying attention. I hated that by the way but I could still handle them and the minute I couldn't defend myself anymore I was telling on them to my husband to be. Call me a tattletale but I was engaged to the boss.

That was still crazy by the way. I was engaged. It had been three blissful months of engagement and I felt like I was always in a cloud. Gabriel and I decided to get married as soon as possible so we were getting married next month. We had done everything that was needed including visiting both families and having them meet each other. My mom was thrilled to finally have a son in law she could call to complain about me. Isn't she just the sweetest? Gabriel's family had been happy to have me back and after a few tense moments everything went back to normal.

So the wedding preparation was going smoothly with the help of my two best female friends. Ava had given birth to a bouncing baby boy two weeks after Gabriel proposed. They names him Niall. He wasn't named after me but they adapted his name from mine which I found very cool. Vera was currently two months along and I was very happy for her. Looks like our kids were going to grow up together after all and become best friends. Well at least I hoped so depending on how this meeting went.

I knocked on Dr. Mwenda's office and I heard a gruff response before I opened the door and let myself in.

"Nia what a pleasant surprise."He greeted getting up from his chair to shake my hand.

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