Chapter Four

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Saturday was laundry day. I usually hired someone to do it but after lying around all day yesterday I woke up extra early and decided to do it myself. I had already finished washing and was headed up the stairs back to my room carrying my laundry basket. I was wearing flip-flops, a baggy T-shirt with tight shorts underneath and my braided hair was in a neat bun. When I reached my floor I saw something that made me come to a sudden stop. The thing I had been praying not to happen since yesterday was happening. Gabriel was moving next door. Why was this happening to me? The one guy in this whole campus to ever turn me down was actually moving in next door. We were going to be neighbors.

I quickly composed myself and put on a straight face before continuing walking. Since Gabriel and all those helping him move had gone inside the room I was just going to silently enter my room and pray they never see me. Maybe I would be lucky enough to never run into Gabriel. Wishful thinking. I grabbed my keys from inside the laundry basket and inserted it quickly into the keyhole. Someone must hate me somewhere because just as I managed to open the door I heard a someone whistle behind me.

"Gabriel you've gotta let me move in with you. You've got one hot neighbor." Someone commented.

I was going to ignore what he said and just go in when what he said next pissed me off.

"Or I can just move in with you mama. Or into you if you prefer it." He added and I turned around with the most pissed of expression on my face.

His eyes went wide when he recognized who I was.

"Keep dreaming kid. I wouldn't allow you to touch me even with a ten foot pole." I said.

I heard a few ooh's and aah's inside the room and scrambling before six bodies all rushed to the door bumping into each other to see the girl who had just put their friend in his place.

"Miss. Daring. I should have known it was you. How are you doing pretty lady?" Paul asked.

"My morning was starting off good till I saw all of you. Now it's just going downhill." I replied honestly.

"Don't say that beautiful. You've got a new neighbor." He said with a knowing wink.

That was in reference as to how I expressed my interest in Gabriel at the party. I gave him a confused look pretending not to know what he was talking about.

"So which one of you is moving in next door?" I asked pretending not to know.

Parting like the red sea they all moved aside to expose Gabriel who was standing at the back of the group dressed in a black T-shirt,black jeans and a pair of white sneakers.

"That would be me." He said raising his arm before scratching the back of his head awkwardly.

"Oh you." I said letting disappointed drip from my tone of voice. I saw his face fall but I quickly ignored it. "Well you guys have fun scratching each others balls or whatever it is that you men do. I have stuff to do." I said turning away from them opening my door.

"Why don't you join us for drinks? I'm sure Gabriel would love to know his new neighbor." Paul said inviting me in.

I opened my door and got in before turning to them.

"Not gonna happen. See you around boys. I hope not though." I replied closing the door behind me with a little slam to emphasize my point.

I heard something from one of the guys that made me smile before I moved away from the door.

"Oh man you've got one hot neighbor but she icy as hell though. It's like Elsa from that frozen movie."

Keep that in mind boys. I had to find a way to keep my distance from Gabriel. He seemed like a nice guy and we would have been friends under any other circumstance but we had almost slept together and that fact changed everything. Not exactly, almost had sex considering the jerk rejected me but you get my point. He also looked like one of those shy good boy types and I didn't like that. I liked my men to be freaks or at least a little outgoing. He looked like the best friend type and I didn't do male best friends. Things got complicated because they always ended up catching feelings that I couldn't reciprocate. I just had to stay away from that guy and we slowly we would be back to strangers again.

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