Chapter Seventeen

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I was woken up from my sleep by a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. I ignored it hoping to go back to sleep but it happened again but this time more painful. We all know what that meant. My periods were here. At the wrong fucking time. It was Thursday afternoon and I decided on a nap before I had to get up later to get ready for my date with Gabriel. But it looks like it wasn't going to happen tonight. I dragged myself out of bed and entered the bathroom for a shower.

It had been a few weeks after we went partying with the gang and we had a lot of free time on our hands due to the exams being postponed so we did a lot of date nights. I loved the little things we did together as well as the big ones. Tonight we were to go watch a movie then have dinner. Cliché I know but we had having a lot of sexy time so we decided to dial it down with a night out in town. I felt so bad I wasn't going to make it tonight. I was really looking forward to making out with Gabriel in a movie theatre. I said dial it down not stop completely.

After I was done freshening up I swallowed two sleeping pills and grabbed my phone to call Gabriel and cancel our plans. You wonder why I didn't take pain meds, well they never really helped so I preferred sleeping through the pain.

"Hey babe what's up?" He said when he picked up.

I smiled at the sound of his voice. I could hear the guys making noise in the background. They were hanging out at Paul's place for once. I had asked them to because anytime they came to Gabriel's place I was forced to hang out with them and this time I wanted some me time.

"I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to cancel on our plans tonight." I apologized as I coiled into myself when my uterus decided to coil itself painfully might I add.

"What's wrong?" He asked already picking up on how strange my voice sounded.

Didn't I just have the sweetest most caring boyfriend out there? I must have done something good in my previous life.

"Lady Cramps decided to pay me a visit today." I replied breathing out slowly when the pain subsided for a second.

"Am so sorry about that. Do you need anything?" He asked.

"No."I said shaking my head as if he could see it. "I'll be okay. Just keep hanging with the guys and ill see you later or tomorrow or after a week. Bye." I replied and hang up immediately when I was hit with another wave of pain.

I felt bad hanging up on him but am sure he would understand. I took deep breaths and I could feel myself getting drowsy which meant the meds were kicking in. I grabbed a pillow and put it between my legs and propped myself up with a few more and tried to lay still. I read somewhere that if you lay still for fifteen minutes you'll fall asleep. Let's see if that combined with the medication will work.

I woke up some time later feeling groggy and having no idea what time of day it was. I felt someone touch my lower back and massage the painful knots making me moan. Now I know what woke me up. I know you're asking yourselves why am not screaming bloody murder at someone touching my body. Answer is I already know who it was considering he's the only one with the keys to my place and the only person whose touch can affect me.

"When did you get here?" I asked opening one of my eyes to look up at Gabriel who I was half lying on.

"An hour after you called me. I had to gather supplies first."He replied as he continued to massage my back.

He was really good at that but I guess he had to be considering he had to take care of game injuries.

"Thanks for coming but you didn't have to, I was doing okay. How long have you been here?" I asked as I leaned up and kissed his chin.

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