Chapter Nine

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I was having my breakfast the next morning when I saw Gabriel walk into the building. He was dressed in sweatpants, a vest and trainers. He looked like he just got back from a run. I wanted to call him over but decided against it. He wouldn't hear me anyway as he was wearing earphones. I would talk to him when I went up so as to give him enough time to freshen up.

I liked spending Sunday's just relaxing at home and resting as I prepared for the next four days of classes and today I planned on doing just that.

Nancy came over to my table just as I was finishing up.

"What did you guys whip up today that you want me to try?" I asked her smiling.

"How did you know?" She asked shocked.

"Because you only come here without a receipt just as I'm about to finish breakfast to ask me to start something new and I saw the chef shoving you towards my direction." I explained.

"Nothing can ever go past you can it. Okay well we started making this fancy Munchies bars that I think you will enjoy." She replied.

"I'm intrigued. You know what. It sounds fancy and expensive so I'll just take two of them." I said not really knowing what I was ordering.

It was either going to be really good and money well spent or I'd promote their business which I considered a win too.

Nancy looked at me surprised "Okay give me a few minutes to whip up the second one." She replied walking back to the the kitchen.

This guy's knew I wouldn't refuse them anything. But it's okay I got a lot of free meals sometimes. I didn't always ask them but they usually surprised me and I liked that we had that kind of relationship.

By the time I was done Nancy had come back with my receipt and their latest creation. It looked pretty amazing and delicious. After paying I headed up the stairs intending to give one cup to Gabriel. I wanted to know what his probes was with me yesterday or with him. Maybe I had done something wrong and I wanted to fix it. But why was it bothering me so much that he wasn't talking to me? I was the one who asked him to ignore me in the first place. Yet here I was following him around like a lost puppy wanting his attention.

Maybe I should just leave things as they should be and let this go. But knowing myself this would disturb me until I figured it out so I better get it over with. Better sooner rather than later.

I knocked on his door and waited for him to answer it. I knocked again when he didn't answer. A few seconds later the door opened and all the words dried up in my mouth. Gabriel stood in front of me shirtless, wearing low hanging sweatpants as he dried his hair inn a towel. Sweet lord baby Jesus. I don't think it legal for anyone to be that hot and sexy. One, two three.. eight pack. I thought those weren't real but here was Gabriel owning them and rocking them.

Someone pinch me because I think am dreaming. I knew Gabriel was muscular but he was taking muscles to a whole other level. He looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger and The rock had a baby. A beautiful black baby with a body created to destroy the female population with lust and unhealthy thoughts.

He snapped his fingers over my face and I blinked quickly to get back to reality. I wasn't going to pretend I wasn't ogling him. That would be a lie and I wasn't a liar.

"How can I help you this morning?" He asked.

So formal. It's as if we didn't know each other or he was someone I did business with.

I shook off the fact that he was giving me this icy look and came here to do what I was here for. Figure out what his problem was.

"Well the café started making this amazing munchies bars and I got you one. I saw you coming from your run and thought you could use some re-energizing." I replied holding out the cup with thorn melons in it. I didn't like those fruits but Gabriel looked like he did being the health fanatic he was.

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