Chapter Twenty Four

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I was woken up from my sleep by my phone ringing somewhere around me. It was Saturday for crying out loud. Let me sleep please. I thought to myself as I blindly felt around for my phone. The ringing stopped and I thought they had given up but they hadn't because the annoying ringing tone began all over again. I finally felt my phone on the other side of my huge bed. I grabbed it and answered it quickly to stop the annoying sound.

"What?!"I snapped into the phone.

"Don't you dare what me. You're late Nia. Again." Ava yelled into the phone and I had to hold it away from my ear to prevent her from bursting my ear drum.

"What time is it?" I asked squinting my eyes open.

"Time for you to get your ass up and meet me as agreed." She demanded.

"Okay miss- always- on time. I'm on my way." I replied closing my eyes again.

"I swear to God Nia. If you're not here within the next thirty minutes I'll never speak to you again." She threatened.

"Okay no need to get your panties in a twist. Ill be there soon." I replied and hang up before she could fire more threats my way.

I forgot I had to meet her for breakfast today. I should have thought of that before drinking two bottles of wine in the tub alone last night. I really needed to stop doing that but I only did it on Fridays and Saturdays anyway. Gotta stay sober for work.

I reluctantly got out of bed and decided to take a quick shower and brush my teeth. My hair had extensions on so all I did was comb it and use some hairspray and I was done in that department. After getting over with my morning routine and putting on make up I walked into the closet in my underwear to decide on what to wear today. It was just spending time with Ava or having brunch since it was too late for breakfast. I really was a bad friend always being late for our meetings but it's okay she always forgave me anyways. I decided on a yellow short sleeved T-shirt tucked into a pair of white jeans rugged on the knees and a pair of yellow Vans. Grabbing my sunglasses and handbag which had my keys, phone, cash and whatever else I needed like lipstick and whatnot I was ready to go.

As if on cue like I had been doing for the past three years I grabbed my ring from the top drawer on my bedside table and wore it on my right hand. Would I ever get to wear it on my right hand? No sad thoughts Nia. Remember today is a good day, don't start getting depressed. I always had to give myself pep talks like these because honestly I needed them.

I quickly got out of my house locking the door behind me and descended the stairs at the end of the hall. I ran into one of my neighbors but since I wasn't in the mood for a chat I just offered them a smile and a small wave. Getting into my car I maneuvered out of the parking lot and into the streets. I was already late as I could tell by the constant vibrating of my phone in my purse. That's angry Ava ladies and gentlemen. Luckily there wasn't any traffic so I got to the small outdoor restaurant in no time. Parking my car, I locked it and headed towards our favorite table.

The restaurant was built in such a way that it was outdoors with wooden chairs and tables under huge umbrellas. You were shielded from the sun but still able to enjoy the breeze and fresh air. It was the perfect place if you wanted somewhere quiet and relaxed with good food.

Ava and I did this on alternate weekends. Mostly it was just the two of us, but sometimes she brought Paul along. Yes there were still together and......

"I don't want to speak to you." Ava grunted as soon as she saw me crossing her arms over her swollen belly.

.......Yes she was pregnant. They were expecting their first baby. They were going to get married but then Ava got pregnant and said there is no way she was having a wedding with a baby bump so they had to wait till after she delivered.

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