Chapter Twenty

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"Nia I swear to God if you don't open this door right now I will break it down." Kendi threatened from the other side of the door.

Mental eye roll. Like she could break it down.

I groaned out loud and tossed the mountain of covers away from my body. I hadn't been outside of my sisters house for the past two or was it three weeks. Thanks to home deliveries the furthest I ever had to walk was to the door to grab my orders, pay then back to my safe haven to hide from the rest of the world.

I threw my legs off the bed and they hit the many bottles of vodka and wine littered on the floor. Oh yeah I had been drinking myself stupid too. Looks like little miss sundress was right. Just thinking about her made my blood start to boil.

I bet she was smooching on my man right now in my absence. But was he still my man? I mean I hadn't talked to him ever since I ran away like a coward.

"Niaa!!!!" Kendi shouted again banging in the door.

Oh yeah I was supposed to open that. I got up too quick and had to sit back down for a second because I got a dizzy. I was still drunk because my vision was a little blurry and I could taste the vodka in my mouth. What time is it? Feeling much better I got up slowly from the bed and walked across the room as candy wrappers and empty crisps bags crunched under my feet. What a mess I had made? I was always such a neat freak. What happened? I remember now, Gabriel happened.

"Hey siz."I greeted a fuming Kendi as I leaned against the door for support. I could barely stand on my own.

Through my half lifted eyes I took in Kendi's look. Kendi was the same height as me 5'5 with brown eyes and dark beautiful skin. She was dressed in vintage high waisted pants and a long sleeved floral blouse and black flats to complete the look. Her hair was in braids which am sure she did herself. She had her glasses on and her face was make up free except for red lipstick. She made the look that would otherwise made you look like a grandma look chiq and stylish. It is her job to make clothes look good anyway.

"Don't you hey siz me. We've been worried sick about you for the last one month locking yourself in here and moping around. Have you even showered in that period or cleaned the room? Look at yourself Nia, what happened to you?" She ranted out and I almost felt bad. Key word almost.

None of them had a right to judge me. What was she doing here anyway? Last I checked I was at Zawadi's place. Wait a minute did she just say a month?

"I've been here for a whole fucking month?!" I exclaimed my voice coming out a little raspy for not being used for long.

"Yeah and you would know that if you turned on your phone or watched the news instead of movies all day." She replied glaring behind me at the disaster if a room I had in there.

"What do you want Kendi? What are you doing here?" I asked her wanting her to leave already so I could go back to moping. I was getting good at that.

"What I want is for you to take a shower and get out of this room. Zawadi and I need to talk to you." She replied.

"But I don't want to talk to you or her." I retorted feeling exhausted.

This is the most I've talked in a whole month.

"Well tough luck miss. I wasn't asking now go take a shower and meet me in the kitchen in twenty minutes. You know on second thought take forty minutes and clean up good." She demanded and before I could reply and refuse her demands she walked away.

I groaned out loud before turning back and closing the door behind me. Not in the mood for and argument I decided to do as she said and clean up the room too. It was starting to smell so the first thing I did was draw the curtains and open the windows to let in sunlight and fresh air. It was afternoon based on the amount of sunlight that hit the room once I the curtains were drawn. I grabbed a trash bag from one of the drawers and started picking up trash that way everywhere. So many empty alcohol bottles. Damn I went all out this time. There were also empty pizza boxes and kfc buckets. At least I ate because everyone knows its not good to drink on an empty stomach.

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