Chapter Eighteen

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Gabriel and I were busy studying in his room for the exams when there was a knock on the door. Yes you heard that right we had been dating for two months and honestly I couldn't be happier. Deep down I already expected myself to be bored with Gabriel by this time but that was not the case as I was still into him as I was when we first got together. I don't think the spark between us will ever fade and honestly I didn't want it to. I mean where else would I find a guy who fucks me so good I sometimes couldn't walk properly. I thought that notion only existed in books but trust me that was not the case. Gabriel was living proof that sex could be phenomenal.

"Expecting anyone?" I asked him looking up from my book.

I was sprawled on his bed lying on my stomach dressed in a pair of shorts and one of Gabriel's t-shirts. He was sitting on his desk chair besides the bed with his legs next to me dressed in a T-shirt and sweatpants. He had been on the bed next to me but he kept grabbing my ass and distracting me so I kicked him off. I really needed to study for my finals and as fun as Gabriel was when he got all freaky I didn't want that right now.

"Actually yeah. A classmate of mine is coming over to study for a while. I need a recap of a whole lesson because someone kept sending me nude pics in class." He said playfully glaring at me as he got up to open the door.

"You loved it." I replied laughing sitting up on the bed.

"Very much so that I didn't hear anything that whole class." He replied and I smiled proudly at myself.

That was one very good day. When Gabriel came home later he fucked me so hard on every available surface. The pictures were so worth it.

He opened the door before greeting the person on the door and stepping aside to let them in. Standing next to my very sexy boyfriend was a girl. I didn't know the classmate he was expecting was a girl. I know he had female classmates but why couldn't he study with a male classmate. I felt a pang of jealousy hit my chest but I quickly pushed it aside. I wasn't jealous of the girl. Was I? She was a few inches taller than me making her not look like a dwarf next to Gabriel like I did. We loved our height difference anyway so that's a plus for me. She had a petite slim figure and dark chocolate skin.

She was dressed in a white sundress that reached below her knees and black wedges. Jeez, dressed like she's going to church. But good for her. Anything less and I would personally kick her out of here. She didn't have much make up on her, just lipstick and eye pencil. Her hair hand extensions on it making it look longer that it was actually supposed to be. She looked like a church girl. There was nothing wrong with being a church girl except she just looked like one of those ones who pretended to be nice but were really the devil deep down.

I watched her look around the room appreciatively before her eyes landed on me and she scowled before faking a smile and turning to look at Gabriel. See, devil inside. Get your eyes off my man bitch.

"Babe won't you introduce me to your friend." I asked walking up to him and curling into his side and smiling up at him before glaring at her.

Gabriel didn't seem to notice that this was me marking my territory.

He put his arms around my shoulder pulling me closer I smiled victoriously. She glared back at me as she tried to telepathically get his hand off my shoulder. Too bad bitch. It's there to stay.

"Nia darling this is my classmate Lilian. Lilian this is my girl Nia." He introduced looking at me fondly.

"Nice to meet you." She said smiling that fake smile and I just nodded in reply.

She extended her arm for me to shake but I ignored it. I didn't want her fakeness rubbing off on me.

"Okay then I'll be taking my leave so you two can study." I said excusing myself.

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