Chapter Twelve

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We woke up early the next morning because Gabriel said we had a busy day ahead. Early for me on a Friday was nine am. Gabriel had teased me for half an hour after he managed to drag me out of bed. He finally stopped when I slammed the bathroom door in his face and refused to come out unless he apologized. Thankfully he did and the rest of the morning went on smoothly.

After a very delicious breakfast of waffles, fruits and milkshakes we were ready to face the day. I was dressed in rugged black jeans, combat boots and a cropped black T-shirt. I knew we were going to be around families today so my T-shirt was decent, don't want to scar the kids. Gabriel was dressed similarly in black jeans, a navy blue T-shirt and boots too. We looked like a matching couple. The only thing I took with me was my phone and sun glasses. Anything else we would need would be provided for us.

"So our first activity for the day is biking around the paths created for us all around the establishment. Where its safe at least." Gabriel informed me when we approached where the bicycles were packed.

"Speaking of. I don't really know how to ride a bicycle." I announced and Gabriel turned to look at me with a shocked look on his face.

"Really?!" He asked with disbelief dripping from his tone.

"Yes really. I never really learnt having been in boarding school almost my whole academic life." I explained. "So stop looking at me with that shocked and judgemental look on your face."

"Sweetheart I'm not judging you, I'm just surprised that's all." He replied and my insides melted at the endearment.

He just called me sweetheart. I had to hold myself not to dance a little on the spot I was standing on. Something must be really wrong with me. A girl who didn't believe and romance was getting excited over a simple term of endearment from a guy. He just wasn't any guy though. It was Gabriel. And just that thought drove all the negative thoughts from my mind. If it were any other guy I wouldn't be here but because it was the one guy who stirred more than lust in me. Gabriel was a mystery I wanted to unravel and I would make sure I did.

"There's not enough time to teach you so we'll just have to use one of the tandem bikes meant for couples. Don't worry I'll lead and make sure nothing happens to you."He promised.

"I believe you." I replied and he nodded.

We were given a set of instructions and rules to follow before we were finally on our way. Gabriel was right and he did as promised because he made sure I was comfortable enough before he began cycling. This was so much fun and it was the place was beautiful and so serene. I don't think I would be ready to leave this place when it was finally time to go.

We stopped to bird watch in some places and were allowed to take pictures. There were different types of flowers blooming in the trees and the fresh air did me some good. My mom didn't live in the city and I sometimes forgot how peaceful and beautiful it was out here without all the tall buildings and fumes from all the machinery operating in the city.

"Having fun?" Gabriel asked me being a little louder than normal due to all the chitchat of the people around us.

"Fun is an understatement." I replied grinning wildly.

"I'm glad because we're heading towards the sky walk next and its not exactly... You know what you'll just see for yourself." He said and I shrugged at that.

I didn't really care for what he meant as long as the fun didn't stop. After another twenty minutes we came to a clearing in the middle of forest and there was a huge pond with green looking water and I could see what looked like very long logs floating around.

We parked out bikes nearby and I noticed some wooden stairs built to lead up to a treetop. It then led to a bridge that led all the way to the other side of the pond and back. I was very excited for this. The bridge was made with some wooden planks held together by rope and there were some ropes on the side too for support. For an adrenaline junkie like me this was just the fix I needed. The instructor gave us the guidelines we needed to follow and soon enough we were climbing up to get to the bridge. It was pretty high and we had to go as groups of five for safety reasons. Thankfully Gabriel got to go with me and we were on the first group to go up.

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